Be Positive

  • 24 replies
  • 22 subscribers

I just have to let this out.  I am so tired of people sending me cures for cancer, have you tried this or that.  Some are eating leaves of the moringa tree.  One of them is Ivermectin which is a horse and sheep de worming tablet.  I know that there is research on this but it is only research.  Also I have had You have beaten this once, you will beat it again.  And the worst is Be Positive you have to Be Positive.  I know this I live with it every day.  If I hear this once more time, I might scream.

  • Probably the colour red ! Good morning have a good day I’m about to go out for lunch and probably eat everything that isn’t good for me apart from grape juice x 


  • Morning all hope everyone  Blush  


  • Morning everyone,  Moi you are from Liverpool?  I love Liverpool I was born there but left when I was one as my Dad got a job in Cadburys South Africa.  I love the place the people the accent everything about it.  Good morning the original Lee.

    Lee 2.

  • Hi Lee2, yes Liverpool is my home now, born and bread. I've moved about alot in uk Germany and various  places but always end up home, its where I belong. I know a few people who live in and around Cape Town and love it. I hope you have a good day Blush XX
