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  • 20 subscribers

 after months of scans and tests, and a month of waiting I have  deVASTATING prognosis.

I have a year to live, more or less.

they have given me one year . give or take, maybe less than a year maybe a few years more...

in any case I am devastated and I have to more strength for life.

have become a recluse, i have no patience or energy to see anybody....

always been a recluse but now ive taken to new heights.

taking meds to deal with the deep caesium im in.

i feel week and find it difficult to do any house chores.

the one thing that keeps my days from becoming unbearable are my adult children and the anti panic attacks medication

  • Home is where the heart is , we are all here on the same journey and I always say at least we have an incline, take care


  • Hi again Xaviva

    There is nothing 'wrong' with wanting to be at home! It is your safe space, where you can relax. There are no rules about what makes us happy, or how we should feel. Just do whatever helps you to feel OK, don't feel you have to fit in with what other people might think. 

    Stay strong

    hugs, Kate

  • Jen; it is a comfort of sorts to have this website to read about others. like you said; a boat with a leak . may you last long and have a comfortable life...

  • Kate, I read you words again and they are very positive thank you


  • Hi  

    I'm very sorry to read of your despair after being told this news and prognosis. I liked  comment, that we are all in the same holey boat together. Some of us will go before others and some later but one thing is certain - we live, we die. Even folks that are not ill will die, accidents, sudden death. I think that it is better than I am prepared and this allows me to make the most of every day.  had a good suggestion of help with housework or other jobs you can't manage. I know you like to be at home and so do I. I enjoy reading and crafts. I enjoy my garden and just watching the birds. I know it's hard to do but try to focus on the good things in your life and don't look any further than the next week. We have all had some type of news of this sort and the trick is to just use it as a guideline, time may be more, maybe less. Put yourself first and do what you can to make your life the best it can be while you can. The little things are the big things, I've found. A bunch of flowers, a nice hand cream. I hope everyone's comments have helped and remember that you're not alone.

    A x

  • sistermoon, your words bring me hope for a few the moment i am still trying to deal with my small flat by myself, but time will come when help will be required.

    the little things are the big things!!


  • Hi Xaviva sorry to hear about your prognosis,I'm in the same leaking boat I hope you can take some comfort from others on here ,I don't do much either always feel tired I wake up with a good plan for the day and then the day slips away ,I hope you can enjoy the nice weather keep going day by day all the best Ry