I have cancer, I’m not a damn saint

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  • 20 subscribers

I need a little rant here people, please bear with me…

Everyone was shocked at my news, it stopped us all in our tracks. Very early on I made the call that I would expect the best and plan for the worst. The worst is the five year survival rate of 15% so all my decisions are based on 5 years or less. If I’m the anomaly and beat the odds, then great! Being a long term meditator has prepared me on a level for death as the Buddhist tradition (which has been part of my meditation practice) is that we are all dying and it helps us to live well if we accept that fact with detachment and perhaps acceptance.

Early days but treatment is going well, immunotherapy isn’t like chemo, less harsh. Yes I’m tired a lot, deep fatigue is the order of the day but I’m managing my energy to keep doing the things I love, living life and finding the joy. I have amazing ongoing support from family and friends, everyone wants to see me beat this, is really positive and keeps telling me that I’m being incredible, an inspiration.  Many people have said ‘you can talk to me about anything, anytime’.

But ..

Sure they’re happy to be supportive if I’m dealing with bad news but if I’m dealing with the everyday, getting frustrated with my lack of energy, the fact that my once fit, graceful and agile body has put on weight, that my muscle mass is decreasing and I’m feeling weak and tired and pissed off with it, I get told how unimportant that is, how I shouldn’t be worrying about that, isn’t it disappointing that I’m still concerned with such trivial things? When I confessed to my yoga teacher (also a good friend), that I was being confronted with some big issues and needing to dig deep, her response was ‘why the hell do you need cancer to dig deep? You should have been doing it all the time’. It’s like I have to be some kind of saint, not just an ordinary person any longer. I find I’m being less honest with people I love because of these responses. I feel patronised and that my perhaps petty feelings should be so summarily dismissed.

I’d not want to lose these people and wish at the time I could respond appropriately but all I feel is hurt so I say nothing, change the subject, let it go cos it’s all small stuff really. Aaargh!!!

Rant over, thanks for listening. 

  • Hi Eddie,

    Yes he did! His last HT injection was June 22 and the man boobs, muscle loss and midsection weight gain have almost completely reversed. He’s always been fit and active around our smallholding so that helped. Are you still having the injections? 


  • Hi Guilia, good to hear he's almost back to his old self, my HT injections are for life or until they stop working, as my cancer is also CRPC  my PSA has been rising for the last 7 months, was expected, my only treatment is HT and next step will be a full androgen blockade, which is more HT, so I know my moobs are here to stay. I was asking about them, as on the prostate cancer forum all the guys think, "wrongly", your moobs are forever, best wishes

    Eddie xx

  • OMG ‘moobs’! I’d never heard that before, made both of us laugh. Sorry to hear your psa is rising, it’s that sword of Damocles that all cancer patients experience .. will it go away or come back Confused?? I didn’t know it was possible to stay on the HT but it sounds like you and your moobs are good friends now.

    All the best Guilia 

  • Hi Guilia HT is my only treatment, heart issues rule out chemo and surgery, but feel good and hoping for some years yet, I meant to ask your smallholding is it a hobby, way of life or business, I have an allotment, a piece of land away from home 100% hobby but so important to my wellbeing, take care.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi A, I totally agree with you and very well said. I've been quit week and tired for a while, a nabour said only yesterday, " your more like yourself, how come" I just said " oh they've topped me up" and left it at that. In fact it's 2 bags of Iron and a bag of blood that's done the trick. She's the local gossip. Lol. XX


  • Excellent rant. I suspect most of us share these feelings. I have just had good news cancer wise but the toll on my body has been immense. Like you I have gained weight, lost muscle mass and mobility, and ache most of the time. But I expect everyone will expect me to be over it because the cancer is in remission. It’s a pretty good friend sorter, although even some good ones will assume this is it. Hope you gradually feel a bit better as the immunotherapy does its thing. 

  • Makes you sound like a rusty vampire, moi, but pleased you're not and doing OK.

  • Hi Ulls I know, its a about 3 weeks since my top up, last Monday I really noticed the difference. I'll be nearer your end off the country next month for a family christening, South Sheilds should be fun.  Hope your OK,  take care xx


  • South Shields, is a whole 5 miles away. Hope it's fine for you enjoy.

  • Its about 3 hours from Liverpool , but will be closer to you. Hope the weather improves by then. xx
