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my brain cancer is incurable. I am talking with a councillor but nothing helps and I have a need to talk to ppl about preparing for death and how do you do it? 

I feel lost going into the unknown. I would like for it to be a course where this is talked about. How about you, do you; do you have the need to comprehend the enormity of what awaits...

Do you have someone who is able to talk with you about death?

  • Hi Minmax, I do not know what, if anything happens to your soul, spirit, conscience when you die, but I'm pretty sure the body is of no use to you, so why not find a good use for it, I could cut them out of the will, they would remember me then lol,


  • Hi eddiel I think we are just taking a different realistic view on something that has to be dealt with and are being constructive in our thinking , I was chatting to my sister and she was telling me about the ways her kids would like to be disposed of and other new methods which have come on to the market recently. All the best Minmax

  • Hi Minmax, I too have heard of many ways of body disposal with only 2 as you say constructive, organ or body donation and if donating my body only makes one doctor 1% better then it's worth it. take care.


  • Hi

    I was diagnosed in Nov 2021 and for 6+ months or to a year or so afterwards I had a craving to read up on the subject of Death.  Auto-biographies of people with or working with end-of-life situations, or coping mechanisms for incurable cancer.  I know you're going to ask "what books" so here they are: 

    Oxford Guide to CBT for People with Cancer (Oxford Guides to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Stirling Moorey

    Kathryn Mannix  - With the End in Mind

    Henry Marsh - And Finally.  (The author is a brain surgeon)

    Henry Marsh - Do No Harm

    Jennifer Worth - In the Midst of Life

    Psycho-Oncology - Mooney

    Rachel Clarke - Dear Life (I'm not sure I read this as it's a kindle sample )

    I realised that the cancer was in my mind ALL THE BLOODY TIME and I had to work out how to live with it.  It was the frankness of the books I loved.  The surgeon explaining how his students' mistakes delivered bad outcomes for his patients, and the empathy shown by the palliative consultant.  

    Time is a great healer and slowly I got on with my life.  It also helped that after a dodgy spell with my treatment things stabilised on that front.  

    I also went to the Macmillan meet-ups where I could, and my local Maggies, although they didn;t really offer what I was looking for.  I craved this community.  Posters here are the only people who understand.  I didn't tell friends, only two.  

    I don't feel like I did 2.5 years back, partly due to treatment response and also because I have a different perspective and approach to "how long?".   At the beginning I believed it would be <5 years.  Now I feel really blase about it.  I can't control it or even influence it, so I can't let it run my life.  

    Like you, I did really want to talk to my peers about it.   Only they understand.  When this happened it was t-h-e-r-a-p-e-u-t-i-c.  I'm typing it like that so I don't get the pop-up alert "are you ok?!" box!.  The books, the blog, posting and reading here were 2nd place substitutes.   

    All in  all, I think it was just my way of coping with it all.  Because I accepted my diagnosis immediately and that's not usual.  

  • Hi Mmum As I have said before I dont think I would be alive without this website and seeing a counsellor .  I won't bore you with the list of things but this started back in 2020 and was told this January/Febuary  that a 8.5cm  tumour was non cancerous is in fact cancerous along with another one in liver , and neck and lungs. I asked if I was brown bread and told yes but since been told by someone else that I am not toast yet which is great.  So I felt it was action stations , got will done , sorted disposal of body , just saw my elderly parents yesterday. Had my last chemo today so the wait game before treatment may start again , Brother in Law has been told he is terminal after 5 year cancer battle but is in remission with anus cancer and has a bag for life , Excuse the pun . He recommended reading Cancer 4 Me 5 by Liam Ryan. Anything that helps I am thinking and I am going to try and enjoy the time I have left doing things I enjoy . I have everything I need in life and want for nothing except a super bike , a dog and a girlfriend , The dog and the bike are just impractical . All the Best to everyone reading this Think positive I say happy days Regards Minmax