Living with incurable cancer, my thoughts only

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I have had a few days reflecting on certain things, within my life.

Stage 4 incurable cancer, and if i get to March 16th will be seven years, since i heard those dreaded words.

That is what i have been reflecting on, in one way and does sound terrible, i cannot say i am glad, but on reflection, it for me has a slight positive feel.

It gives you a chance to put things into place, my funeral is booked, my will is in order and so on.

Started to sort out things with in the home. little bit at a time.

I had no thought on writing this, till gone 6pm tonight and it came to me. given the choice, i would rather have had this diagnosis, than just one day, without warning, my time was up.

I can not think how my family would have coped with that, and what a shock for them,

Yes slowly, they know that the situation can change at any time, so in one way, i am slowly preparing them, i do not relish what might be, but have no choice, it is a fight we are all on, and for me one day that fight will end.

My own thoughts,  and they are my thoughts, i would rather it this way, than suddenly i am gone, and leave my family devastated.

Yes i know i am on borrowerd time so try and make the most of it, every day is a bonus.