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Does the fear and stress of living with this ever get any easier. How do people cope with daily living when its always in your head.  Fed up feeling scared and continually bursting into tears. i seem to spend all my time wallowing in self pity instead of trying to get on with living. Im ashamed that i dont seem to have come to terms with this Any advice please. x

  • Hey Judy,

    I hope you're feeling a bit more on the 'upside' today? I think that we have to take what positives we can as we explore and get to grips with our new situations. In your case the treatment appears to have checked the spread, so they want to keep on with it. This is a good sign of course, but at the moment you're feeling rubbish. It's only natural that you project ahead and ask yourself 'is it always going to be like this?' But as we know from so many stories on this forum, these times pass and then we can experience an upturn. And of course, the medics know as much as you do at the end of the day, because we're all different and it's only ever a best guess.

    I'm not in treatment at the moment, but still have rough periods of breathlessness and a pants level of energy. Today though is better and I'm more positive [the good nights sleep did wonders for a change!]. Hugs anyway. Rainie x

  • Thanks so much Rainie for putting me in the picture. Don’t know what happened to me the other day. A black cloud came over me suddenly. Of course I know I’m not going to give in! My husband says that is not an option. 
    I just thought of my old life and what I did when I was in control of it. 
    I get on well with my oncologist and I know he’s doing his best for me. I walk Ollie up to an hour a day and use my dumbbells so I’m really trying hard to stay on top. I sleep ok too. 
    it’s good to talk to you I’m glad I’m on this forum…I have good friends and family (some who’ve had cancer) but none who have had incurable lung cancer

    so it’s onward and upwards Muscle

    thanks again…we need each other xxx

    Judy .