A series of disconnected (but kind of connected) thoughts and feelings, courtesy of mementomori

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  • 23 subscribers

Hi all,

I'm so glad to have found this community to be able to speak to people who know how I'm feeling.

I am struggling with mobility at the moment, due to a tumour in my spine. Hopefully this will get better with the radiation treatment I'm having, but all of this is palliative now so I know it's probably only going to get worse. I'm really worried about losing my mobility and what that would mean. I am yet to meet with the Palliative Care team so suppose that will help to clear things up. My doctors don't really want to do any more chemo due to the rare complications I seem to keep getting, but I just feel like I'll decline so very quickly without it. I'm scared of the possibility of deteriorating rapidly - not necessarily of dying overall, but of becoming too sick to do anything I want to do anytime in the near future.

I didn't ask for a timeline - my doctors probably wouldn't be able to give me one anyway, given how rare my set of circumstances are. I have a feeling that it's shorter than my family thinks it is, and I don't really know how to handle that either. I just feel like I don't want to talk about it at all, it makes me uncomfortable to discuss with people in my day-to-day life. Avoidance/distraction is working in a way, but I worry that it's not productive. But do I care about what's productive anymore, or am I just aiming to get by as happily as I can?

The steroids that I'm on are also affecting my sleep, which is obviously not ideal and makes me feel even more off-balance. Just feels like everything is piling on, and I don't know where to even start! I'm always the problem solver, but I've been presented with a problem that I can't solve and it makes me very uncomfortable.

I guess I just needed to rant a bit, which is what this discussion board is for, after all. If you have any advice or just want to commiserate alongside me, please feel free to do so.

Sending love, prayers and good vibes <3

  • Wow, what to say?  A collection of worthy, relevant, challenging Thoughts indeed.  I will say though, mememtomori, you have the most polite and considered "rant" style!

    I asked for a timeline on diagnosis (Nov 21), but after reading others' approaches to it on here, I won't any more. Instead I will read the room and I think it will become apparent.  Look for the triggers, eg feeling rubbish and the weight loss, what my consultant says etc.  

    I like your note about problem solving - it's the Control we no longer have.  Significant.  

    I can't comprehend your situation really.  Although we all have in the incurable tag, your young age sets you apart.  

  • Hi MM and TVman, I been reading yours posts which I found very informative. I am humbly by the way you are coping with this horrible cancer.

  • Hi. I to don't like to talk about it as by talking then it's real if you no wat I mean.i also try to distract myself as of a way to cope. I didnt want to no how much time I had either but while at the diagnosis my inconsiderate friend asked the doctor. I then felt obliged to say yes I want to no. We are now no longer friends really as I can't forgive her .sending you healing hugs xx

  • With friends like her.....

    Love life and family.
  • The cheeky thing, to know or not to know was your decision only, I'm not surprised you've stopped being friends. Big Hug.

  • Hi Bev2022 you are right to dump that friend, only say what you want.t to no in future. At my sisters funeral 2 of her friends to me " we thought you would have gone first, my reply and my daughter and nephews sent them running out of the wake. Some people think they can say what they want. xx


  • I took two friends with me and told them both in the car I didn't want to no only for her to say sorry bev but I'm asking. Right in front of consultant so then he turned and said do you want to no. I then felt obliged to say yes . If she hadn't of asked I wud ab been carrying on with work but no I went straight on the sick so not only did the consultant turn my life upside down but she did aswell. X

  • Oh Bev that's so sad. I asked my oncologist how long without treatment,  she said about 5 months and with treatment 12 to 18 months depending on the person, that was 3 years ago I've been Stable Mable ever since. So hang in there, there only numbers. XX


  • Hi Bev, I fully agree with Moi I'm past me sell by date and stable mable as, we have more experience than your friends, take no notice of them, take whatever treatment your offered, and live your life your way.

  • I'm wanting to go abroad but don't no were to Start with travel insurance. X

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