Today I hate cancer more than I can tell you

  • 12 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I had a meeting with my oncologist face to face should initially been a telephone call but also having a scan timing were not working out so the wonderful secretary changed things so it would all fit in.  I spoke in detail to the oncologist regarding my bone mets I knew they were in my spine, ribs and pelvis.  I have now found out that it is in the whole of my spine and also in about 300 other bones in my body.  This was a massive shock she also said that because I have problems with my liver sorting out vitamins and proteins then going forward if this current treatment stops working then it is going to be difficult to find something else I am shattered by this but I am supposed to feel positive at this moment I am struggling to do it, I am going to try fighting it,

With all the very best to everyone going through this then, rant, rave as much as you like

All My Love KayXXXXX

  • So sorry to hear your news Kay it really knocks you sideways when it's bad results. It's very hard to stay positive at a time like this. But you are allowed to have a few down days and be kind to yourself, anything that makes you feel good then come back to the fighting. Thinking off you , sending hugs xx


  • This is what we are here for, to be a listening ear and support each other when the hard times hit.  I want to say I totally understand your reaction, but then I've only had a treatment pause so I feel a fraud comparing that to your post.  We need treatment to advance pretty damn quick then!  And time for your lovely oncologist to network ideas for what to use next.  There is time though as the current treatment is working and it can carry on working for a long time yet.  Sending hugs.  

  • Hi Kay just read your post, please rant and rave, I do, my cancer has spread extensively to my bones, medication working at the moment, but there's no plan B, just wait and see how long thing go. I hate cancer, and totally understand what you are going through, this is a fab group we are all incurable, but enjoying life, please you're here, help is all on hand.

    Looking forward to reading your posts for many many year's to come.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Thanks to everyone for their kindness it is always lovely to get responses from those that understand as much as you try to explain to people, they don't always get it.  I also went for a smear test this week let's see if that is going to be icing on the cake!!!!!

    With all my love to you all for your kindness and support lots of love Kay XXXXX

  • I've found that waiting for a test and then the results, can be depressing but please don't fall into that trap, the cups half full and the silver lining is on show.

  • Hi Kay, so sorry to hear about your massive shock, that's a lot to deal with. I've everything crossed for you that this treatment works. It's going to be hard but try to stay positive and see if you can keep busy with a hobby or interest that'll take your mind off things. Easier to say that it's going to be effective but try. 

    And rant away. There's a group entitled "The Room" where you can rant away and then close the door behind you.

    Take care Kay

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Kay, it is tough dealing with this stuff, and dealing with other people. Waiting for results often drags us down too. Whatever happens here is a great place to rant and share and be understood.

    Best wishes 


  • Hi sb248, it's been a couple of days since your last post I was wondering how you are 

  • Hi Ulls gradually coming to terms with it I know I will get through it until the next shock, why can they not be honest and explain it in the first place. Thank you for your kindness would like to accept you as a friend but don't know how to do it!  Perhaps you do!!!

    Thanks everyone for their kind words love you all Kay XXXXXX

  • Hi , here's the help page on how to add friends.  Quick tip:  click on their user name and look for the connect button, top right hand corner on the next page.  Hope that helps!