Today I hate cancer more than I can tell you

  • 12 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I had a meeting with my oncologist face to face should initially been a telephone call but also having a scan timing were not working out so the wonderful secretary changed things so it would all fit in.  I spoke in detail to the oncologist regarding my bone mets I knew they were in my spine, ribs and pelvis.  I have now found out that it is in the whole of my spine and also in about 300 other bones in my body.  This was a massive shock she also said that because I have problems with my liver sorting out vitamins and proteins then going forward if this current treatment stops working then it is going to be difficult to find something else I am shattered by this but I am supposed to feel positive at this moment I am struggling to do it, I am going to try fighting it,

With all the very best to everyone going through this then, rant, rave as much as you like

All My Love KayXXXXX

  • Hi Mmum thanks for answering sb248 post for me, looks like I'm not the only early bird 

  • Hi Kay,

    You rant away.x

    I have done my fair share of ranting.

    I also have cancer in my bones and have had liver problems (due to immunotherapy) so can empathise with you completely.

    I worry whether they will stop my treatment due to my liver playing up.  I know I will also also feel abandoned if they do.

    Are you feeling well otherwise?
