Im leaving this group

  • 22 replies
  • 24 subscribers

It seems that some of the content in one of my posts does not suit the guidelines of this forum.

I am.therefore looking for another group that will accept my content

I wish you wellness and hope every day is a special day for you, as today is the only day that is guaranteed.

You've been very supportive and i will always be grateful.



  • Hi tvman, 

    The discussion of dying can be discussed here in the 'Living with Incurable cancer forum'. We have never said that this cannot be a topic of conversation. 

    All Community groups including 'The Room' are subjected to our Community guidelines. In our guidelines we say: 

    "The site is primarily for support – please discuss moderation decisions with the Community team at, rather than addressing them with other members on the site. We kindly ask that members do not discuss any moderation decisions on the site. This is in order to protect the privacy of all of our members and to keep the Community a safe space." 

    I hope the above helps to clear up any misunderstanding of our guidelines and if you have any questions, please do email

    Thank you

    Macmillan's Online Community team

  • Well said Rainie! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!