Hi everyone

  • 18 replies
  • 68 subscribers

I was diagnosed with throat cancer in August 2024, followed by a lung cancer diagnosis after a CT scan shortly afterwards. I had chemo and radiotherapy for the neck and am due to start immunotherapy next Friday. No hope for a cure, just prolonging and improving the situation hopefully.

You all seem so strong here after going through a lot more than I have. That gives me hope and comfort. It's nice knowing you can share with people who are supportive and not judgemental. Have a good evening and a peaceful night.

  • Hi nice to meet you.

    • We are all on the journey together, and we truly under stand how another may be feeling.

    You can say anything here and soe one is always here to just listen, if thats all you want.

    We support each other in good times and bad.

    Do you know what immunotherapy you are having, i had one and did two years.

    Please do not be a stranger, you never fill alone here always someone siting on the side lies.

    We laughs can  have a rant or scream we do not mind, we all all human after all.

  • Hi Ellie, thanks for the nice welcome. This is my first forum so I'll need time to work out how it all works. But I will. I'm having atezolzumab for PDL1 positive cancer cells. Think it's similar to keytruda. Anyway, should not be so many side-effects as with chemo. How did you get on with it?

    Patrick xx

  • Hi I had Keytruda did the two years and finished it December 2018. For me was so much kinder than chemo i have to say. I really did not have side effects as such.

    Well you have  not done to bad, you have replied to me, you will soon pick it up.

    You can clock on any if the threads and make a comment if you wish.

  • Thanks, sweet dreams

    Patrick xx

  • same to you, tomorrow another day

  • I live in Germany where I moved to in 1982 to work as a translator. There are groups there but I find this experience and sharing stuff so emotional and intimate in a way that I can only handle it in English. I still miss pubs, the countryside in East Anglia and, above all the sense of humour even after all this time. 

    Patrick xx

  • Well I am so glad you found this group.

    I have a funny sense of humour though not every one appreciates it  lol.

     am of to bed soon, up early tomorrow radiotherapy in London. 

    My spelling not always the best, have lost some eye sight or its the wine.

  • Hi Gilpat, and a warm welcome from me, we may not know much about each other's cancer, but we know what it's like to live with our prognosees, and how to live a life, even when things seem tough, and help people understand the emotions they are going through are perfectly normal and it's good to  let them out, the girls on here, and a few guys are here to support one another any way we can.


  • Hi Gilpat, A warm welcome from me too. This is a terrific, caring group as you will soon find out. We may not be curable but if we are treatable then there is always hope from a prolonged life to spend with our families making memories. Although I have not had immunotherapy I have known many who had good results with it. I was on a Trial Drug for over 3 years. I’m sure you will get to know everyone very soon. Some, like me, are night owls, some are early morning birds, so there is normally someone here to chat to when you need it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • LOL I'm inbetween treatments and not taking many meds at the moment so a glass or two of wine of an evening is standard and helps me sleep.

    I hope your radiation went ok, does anyone help with petrol, transport costs?

    Have a relaxing evening


    Patrick xx