Hi everyone

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  • 66 subscribers

I was diagnosed with throat cancer in August 2024, followed by a lung cancer diagnosis after a CT scan shortly afterwards. I had chemo and radiotherapy for the neck and am due to start immunotherapy next Friday. No hope for a cure, just prolonging and improving the situation hopefully.

You all seem so strong here after going through a lot more than I have. That gives me hope and comfort. It's nice knowing you can share with people who are supportive and not judgemental. Have a good evening and a peaceful night.

  • Hi my treatment finished today, not long in i have t say a long day,.

    I get hospital transport, never learnt to drive, and if could,  would not be aloud this moment  in time.

    I did ask if I could have  a glass, with brain radiotherapy, yes was the reply of you fill ok, good enough for me.

  • Well done Ellie for getting to the end of yet another treatment plan!

    OK spill the beans Ellie! How much of a bribe did it take for you to be able to have one or two glasses of wine of an evening! LOL! Good for you, you deserve it! Cheers!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Gilpat!

    I have lung cancer also, stage 4 , had immuno therapy and was only given 10-12 months. That was in 2015!!!! so never say never. I life i Australia now but i am German lol

  • Hi Pet1968,

    I start immunotherapy tomorrow. Feeling a bit nervous as this is my last possible line of treatment. Hopefully no major side effects, this has got to work. Heartened by your story!

    All the best


    Patrick xx

  • Hi Patric, Good luck with your first treatment tomorrow. Like Pet, I have been here a long time and although I haven’t had immunotherapy I know of several people who have had a positive response. let’s hope you are one of them!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, thanks for the good wishes. Will keep you posted.

    Have a great evening


    Patrick xx

  • Hi Patrick,

    Just wanted to say hi back, and wish you luck for tomorrow. I was incurable at diagnosis (breast cancer with bone mets) and just starting treatment journey. I get tablets and 4 weekly injections - hormone and targeted/biological therapy. I hope immunotherapy goes well for you, 


  • Thanks Lex,

    I must say I am overwhelmed with the spirit here. There are so many amazing stories and individual heroics going on but people still find time to offer support. I had not cried once since being diagnosed but have come close several times since finding this lovely place.

    Stay strong and upbeat. And when you do feel down, you know where to turn to.

    Have a great evening.


    Patrick xx