Just want to say hello

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  • 69 subscribers

I was diagnosed with lung cancer in May 2023 aged 59 which was a shock in itself as a non-smoker but after a PET scan was told it had spread to my bones, right femur, spine etc so incurable and was given 5 years. I have just completed 20 cycles of Amivantimab and continue on Lazertinib daily and although everything is stable, I am still counting down what time I may have left and can't motivate myself to do anything. 

I did join the site when I was first diagnosed but haven't really been on very much but was recommended to join this group as I'm struggling a little so wondered if anyone could give me any advice on how to try and get myself out of this.

Look forward to chatting. 


  • Hi Glad you came in.

    Every one is so different in how they go forward.

    No one really knows, what time they may have left, I do one day at a time.

    I do not waste time worrying about what might be, when things go wrong, and they have now, right Ellie come on go forward, me worrying will not solve it, but that is me.

    You will get a lot of support here, i would not have got this far, without the online community. 

    Others will come in, and give their help, do you have any hobbies as such, I loved to read and do cross words, though now i cannot see properly to do that, but spring is coming and will be doing my garden cannot wait.

    Keep posting , and  meet new people all in the same situation as us.

    They will let you know how they cope with the way forward.

  • Hello Annette, and a warm welcome to the forum,  though I'm sorry you have to be here, I know your not new to the  community, but I hope you find  this forum as helpful as we all do, as my friend Ellie has said, and I and almost everyone on the forum would say, a prognosis is just a guess, based on old  statistics and treatments, which have improved so much in recent years, you will find many on here many years past the time they were given, it's not good  to live your life with an inaccurate clock counting down beside you 

    I am sorry to hear your struggling, that's something we can all understand, everyone here has their off days, it's normal for us, but we also know how important it is to make the most of what time you have, I too have difficulty motivating myself at times, and I'm not alone in this, I see family as often as I can, I  like to walk the dog but not very far these days, I like reading, art+craft, music, gardening, my friends, baking and volunteering, but we are all different, and I am sure there are things you enjoyed and can still do, the people on here are amazing, they will support you any way they can, if you want advice, a chat, to rant, scream, laugh or a shoulder to cry on,  the guys on here are there for you to help you, like only someone in our situation can.

    Eddie xx 

  • Welcome to the place nobody wants to be, I could have written those words in 2011 as I was told the same except my primary was in my kidney which was removed. I am now being treated by immunotherapy monthly and from tomorrow having 4 days radiotherapy to my rib cage to some stubborn bone metastasis. I know every person is different and sadly not everyone is as lucky as me but I hope my story gives a glimmer of hope in the dark days. Xx

  • Hi Net, A warm welcome. As others have said, your prognosis is just a guess as no one, not even the professionals know when anyone will die so please don’t think about the time you ‘may’ have left, just enjoy the here and now.

    It is all about making memories with your loved ones, family and friends. I was told in 2013 I had 5-7 months left but here I still am. I went on a Trial Drug and it worked for me. There are a lot of us here who are well past our sell by dates. The research by Cancer Research U.K. has been amazing in recent years and more and more people are living longer because of all these new drugs.

    I try to focus on what I CAN do, rather than what I CAN’T do. Of course I get frustrated sometimes, I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t. It is a roller coaster ride you can’t get off, so better to sit back & enjoy the ride than be miserable. One day at a time works for me!

    Elliekate, good to see you post again, don’t be a stranger!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group. I am not here much as I am also stable since end of treatment Sept 2022. Have you thought about counselling, it helped me. I also read books about cancer, which helped me at the time. I can recommend How to live when you could be dead by Dame Deborah James. This one will help with motivation and small goals. I also recommend Radical Remission by Kelly A Turner. The remissions are rare but you may find hope from it. 

    I'm by no means fixed myself but these things helped me. 

    A x

  • Hi Ellie,

    Thank you so much for replying, it does help doesn't it knowing you're not alone.  

    I also love to read, so far that seems to be the only thing that takes my mind completely away but I know I can't sit all day every day doing that. I'm so sorry to hear you can’t see properly to read anymore but so glad you're looking forward to getting out into your garden soon.

    I hope we can chat more.

    Take care.


  • Hi Eddie,

    Thanks for replying, it is really appreciated. 

    So good to know that you keep yourself so busy, all of those things sound great, I think I just need to give myself a good talking to as I know there are people in alot worse off than me.

    Thanks again and take care.


  • Thank you, you're right, none of us wants to be here but just hearing different people's stories does give some hope. 

    I really hope your radiotherapy goes well.

    Take care of yourself. 


  • Hi Annette, 

    Wow, that is fantastic! So great to hear you are still here after being given the worst news back in 2013! Alhough I'm sure it has been a tough old ride, I am so happy for you. 

    Thank you for your words of wisdom, so very much appreciated.

    One day at a time! 

    From one Annette to another. 

  • Hi A,

    Thank you for replying,  I really appreciate every single one I have received, everyone is so lovely. 

    I have thought about counselling but I don't think I'm ready for that right now but I will definitely be taking your advice on the books, thank you.

    Long may you continue to be stable.

    Take care. 
