hello world out there

  • 32 replies
  • 71 subscribers

was diagnosed with Brain Cancer.

Had specialised  Stereotactic Radiotherapy

Now i am waiting to die. there is no way of knowing how long it will take.

meantime I need to adjust my life to what will come.....

  • it is inspiring to read what you wrote. even though i am new ,I find that the community lifts my spirits.

  • Hi Cyclone Just wanted to send you a warm welcome to this terrific supportive Group,

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Your welcome Cyclone, though sorry to hear HIPEC has been postponed for now, Isn't waiting for results awful, been doing it for 35 years and it's still just as bad, take care.


  • Hi  

    I'm sorry I am late to welcome you. A very warm welcome to the group. None of us would choose to join but we are friendly and supportive, as you have found out by the replies. It is a big shock at first when told the cancer is incurable. For ages I had those words, said by the Surgeon, going round and round my head - you will die from this and it will shorten your life. A lot of other things were said but that was all that stuck in my mind. He must have been able to tell that I was zoning out as he kept tapping my knee. It has taken a lot of work on myself - reading, journalling and counselling and most of all, Time....to get used to the fact. I wouldn't say I've come to terms with it but I've got used to it.

    Like everyone has said, take back some control and decide what is important to you and what you like to do. Plan some small goals if you feel well enough. I do a lot of walking as I find it helps me and sorts my head out. 

    Macmillan offer counselling sessions, this is the link for more information https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/get-help/emotional-help/bupa-counselling-and-emotional-well-being-support

    If you would like to talk to someone, the Macmillan helpline is open and they are excellent. They will offer lots of advice, support and will signpost you to services. This is the link to contact https://www.macmillan.org.uk/about-us/contact-us

    I hope you feel better than you're feeling at the moment. Keep in touch.

    A x

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group. I've heard a few instances of this lately, stage 3 and incurable. I hope your treatment gives you more time. I have been stable since the end of treatment in September 2022. I enjoy local walks too. We joined the National Trust last year and have had some great days out. Best wishes for your treatment.

    A x

  • hello sistermoon ,it is so difficult to comprehend the devastation caused by cancer, I try to be positive but in my mind there is the question how long do I have,,

  • Xaviva, I did ask after a year and got told  12 months to 18 months that was 2019, I'm still here but that time played on my mind fir about 2 years, trying to crame everything in. It's entirely up to you, some think it's a good thing and some a bad thing. I spent that time worrying.  TKe care xx


  • Hi Xaviva, The problem asking that question is no one knows When they are going to die, not even the professionals! I just try to enjoy each day as it comes! X

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Welcome Xaviva

    So pleased you decided to join our community, and yes you need to adjust your life like you said, I try to find some time to listen to the birds sing and count all the daffodils that are coming out in my garden it helps me to focus on the here and now.

    Please keep in touch and take care 

    Sue x 

  • That's so true Annette,  with all the new treatment , who knos.. Could get run over by a bus tomorrow. XX
