hello world out there

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  • 71 subscribers

was diagnosed with Brain Cancer.

Had specialised  Stereotactic Radiotherapy

Now i am waiting to die. there is no way of knowing how long it will take.

meantime I need to adjust my life to what will come.....

  • I don't have any answers for you, only that everyone on here is or has experienced every emotion you are going through. I myself have not come to terms with the fact I have incurable cancer but with everyone's support I am slowly getting there. You will get through this, just take one day at a time xx

  • Hi I'm just repeating what everyone is telling you.  We are a good  groupe of supporting  people. I totally believe in hope as all of us do. I hope to live as best I can for what is left of my life. we all have down days, then I wallow in self pity for a day then give myself a good talking to,  put my big girl knickers on as most of us do and get back on the horse Racehorse of llife.once you get use to your new YouTube it becomes.es your norlam. Feel like crying then cry, scream then scream. Listen  to your body. Keep posting, sending hugs. xx


  • Sorry when I type fast we get all kinds of mistakes. MENT once you get used to your new routine it becomes your normal  xx


  • Hello Xaviva and welcome, well done in joining the forum, it is not an easy thing to do, It's an awful thing to get told your cancer isn't curable and takes time to come to terms with your new life I know this is not four first brush with cancer and to have a recurrence must make your diagnosis even harder to come to terms with, but you can, with help from family and friends and all the folks on here, though things will never be quite the same, as the people on her have shown there is still a life to live. take care.


  • THANK YOU so much. today I joined and the positivity that comes through us uplifting

  • Xaviva an incurable diagnosis is one of our most frightening things to happen to us to anybody. My outlook is to live as long as I can for me and the people I love. We have up days and down days. People in the group still go on holiday, maybe not the type of holiday to used to go on, but I tend to over do things and am buggered when I get home lol. Pick people you trust to talk about how you feel or counselling, because we have to talk our feelings out. Here is a good start so keep posting sending hugs xx


  • Hi Xaviva, A warm welcome to this Group of amazing people. Sorry I'm late in welcoming you but I'm one of the people Moi2 was talking about as I've just come back from two weeks in Spain, the weather, hotel, food and company (my husband of 52years) were all perfect. I was even in paddling which is difficult to do with two elbow crutches sinking into the sand but once I make up my mind, that's it!

    Please don't wait to die because no one can tell you when that will be. Please try to live up to the name of this group "LIVING with incurable Cancer! Since my stage4. Incurable diagnoses I have done lots of things and been lots of places, just making the best of the time I have left. I was told I had 5-7 months to live, then I took a chance with a Drug Trial and it has been 8 years since I stopped the drug. Think of the time I would have wasted if I had just hung around waiting to die! You are stronger than you think, just enjoy each day as it comes! Please keep us posted of what is going on with you and how you feel, it's not easy but we are here for you and one another!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I am new as well. 

    Weird because I feel great. 

    I am still waiting for treatment so hopefully it will work and buy some time. I was stage 3 but palliative, which I cannot get my head around. Disappointed relievedHowever another doctor said stage 3 is being very optimistic. 

    I do feel like life is one long waiting room. Only able to make plans at short notice so trying to write a bucket list of local things to do. Enjoying my husband and dog as much as I can. Having laughs. 

    Weird not knowing but then I do not want to know yet either. 

    Hope you have lots more time and hope it is quality time. 

  • Hello Cyclone, I know you are not new to the community, I am on the bowel cancer forum as well, but welcome to ours, the last one anybody wants to join i know, though the only one where what you are going through is really understood, you will find lots of wonderful ladies and a few guys here to help and support you in any way we can. I too feel good and i don't know how, though not complaining, wishing you well with treatment , take care.


  • Yes new to this section of the community.  Slight smile

    Though still feel new to bowel cancer as I am still waiting on treatment options. Had a laparoscopy and Pet Scan so hopefully they can make decisions soon. HIPEC is not going to happen yet. Maybe later. That was a disappointment. 

    Glad they tried though. 

    Thanks for your message. Take care