New to the group

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  • 71 subscribers

Good afternoon to you all. I have got secondary breast cancer in my lungs and was diagnosed just over 2 years ago. After the initial shock of the cancers return,  I am trying to be as positive as possible. Just some days it is so hard. My grown up children are all very supportive but I feel guilty if I let them see I am feeling a wee bit down. I do not wish to burden them with occasional tears. I am so lucky that I have the most amazing Oncology Unit at our Hospital with a top nursing team and Macmillan nurses. Maybe someone has had the same issue and will be kind enough to let me know how they managed to get rid of the guilt trip

A warm hug to you all from 

Alana in Moray 

  • Hi Alana, welcome!
     I also have secondary breast cancer and have mets in lungs and bones. I was diagnosed in October 2022. I also have grown up children (25 & 22) and have gone through a range off emotions and still am. My daughter still lives with us so sees my down days (they usually occur at the end of my treatment cycle when I am at my most tired). She supports me in any way she can as does my husband though he has now been diagnosed with high grade non Hodgkin’s lymphoma and is having chemotherapy so is limited. Luckily my tired days are when he feels a bit better so we can look after each other. My son has learning difficulties so I’m not sure how much he really understands. It’s very difficult but I try and make the most of life when I feel good and have fun with the kids so they can see that the down days are not all the time. What I find most difficult is the ‘forever’ part of the diagnosis and the knowledge that I’ll likely be on treatment until it no longer works. That I’ll probably not meet my grandchildren (if there are any) or be able to be there for my children when they go through difficult times as my mum has been there for me. If you want to pm me, I’m happy to chat further. There are various secondary breast cancer groups if you’ve not already joined and I could advise you if you’re interested 

    lots of love and hugs

    Jac x

  • Hi Alana

    i wanted to say hello I am new to the group. We are all living with the unknown of what will happen next & we will have days of tears we are human. It sounds like you have lots of good support I found letting my family & friends know how I feel when things become to much helped me & my family.

    it took me a long time to come on support groups I am glad I did it has helped me I also attend my local maggie’s centre.
    I struggled with relying on others as part of my independence has gone due to not being able to drive now but I chat with family & friends if I need support with anything it was difficult at first but now I am happy to do so.

    sending lots of hugs
