Mrs Tvman happy?

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Well, I haven't posted here for a while because as some will remember Mrs Tvman was diagnosed with rectal cancer. After 5 weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and after a further 2 week wait until the results I'm delighted to say that her tumour and lymph nodes have disappeared completely,. Also no sign of cancer in the wall of the rectum, so NED SmileyThumbsup. She will be having regular 3 week chemo for while which she sees the result as a hollow victory. I'm telling her that some people on the site would give their eye teeth for such a result. I think she's gradually coming round to that state of mind. 

As for me I've been in the Lagan Valley hospital because of extreme jerking and inability to stand as my legs were buckling below me. I went in on Friday 6th October and got out on Monday 16th October. During that time my mood was so low and I feared I would die in there. Happily I was allowed out by the liver specialist. I'm jaundiced with slightly yellow skin and the whites of my eyes are definitely yellow. The focus now is to get my liver working properly and to start with a withdrawal of a drug that I am taking to lower the ferritin (iron) in my body due to my haemochromatosis (known loosely as the Celtic curse) that is caused by a mutated gene - H63D - that both my parents must have had but were unaware of. This mutation causes levels of iron to be deposited in major organs such as the heart and the liver. It's a complicated picture as you may well understand.

Take care everyone

Tvman xx

  • Oh what a nice surprise to see your post...and such great news for Mrs Tvman...i am so glad. And well about yourself...i hope they can fic the problem with your liver and the jerks. Thank you so much for letting us know...i missed you. Hugs Pet

  • Hi tvman. My arms and legs starting jerking around last December whilst I was in the chair waiting to be wired up to my chemo IV.  I have subsequently been diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) by a neurologist and now see a specialist psychologist to help me deal with the seizures. The considered opinion is that the FND manifested itself because of the unconscious stress caused by my cancer. Might be worth speaking with your care team about it. I also have a non-related spinal cord compression but that was ruled out as the cause of my limb seizures.

    Kind regards.


  • I've missed you too Pet, I've been so preoccupied with my wife and her cancer and side effects for just over a year since she was diagnosed on Good Friday 2023 and that mostly makes her feel awful. I am feeling low and my mood is definitely suffering. 

    I've lots to do in the garden and that makes me feel better when I'm working on my plot. I even enjoy weeding as it's a must-do requirement or else it gets out of control! In the UK the weather has been horrible lately, we're enduring the wettest early spring ever. We're just into spring and you'll be just into autumn after a long hot summer I'd guess.

    I'm missing all my other friends too and I think it won't be long before I send the occasional post. 


    Love life and family.
  •   I have always been a very occasional poster but have been posting more lately and I was so glad to see your post this morning as I was wondering how you and Mrs Tvman were doing.

    The results for Mrs Tvman are great but I do understand that good news is sometimes hard to accept.

    I hope your team can do something to help with your jerking and other issues to make your life easier

  • Hi Tvman, lovely to see your post. You have been missed by all who know uou. Yes the weather is so wet here. I hope your wife has improved  and both your moods lift, we need some sun  to help with all our moods do take care. Sending hugs XX


  • Hi tvman so wonderful and happy to see you posting again I have really missed you so pleased for Mrs tvman  fantastic news I really hope they can sort your problem out too it's really made my day you posting huge hugs to you and Mrs tvman xxxxxxxxx

  • Lovely to see you posting. Hoping the weather improves so you can work on and enjoy your plot. Being out in the fresh air will definitely help your mood. 

  • Hi Maninbath

    I've been having small tremors in my fingers, mostly index fingers, since I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis in 2015  just 4 months after my cancer diagnosis. My back pain is so severe that I was forced to become a wheelchair user outside of the house and I had to stop working in January 2016. 

    The incident that sent me for a hospital stay wasn't the only time that happened but it was the most severe. My kidneys and liver were giving up and I thought I was going to spend my last days there. As well as the jerking I was asleep all day and only awake for meals. I wasn't functioning as a person and my wife contacted the cancer unit as advised by the little card I had been given many years ago. 

    A lot of drinking fluids, at least 2 litres a day and taking laxatives 3 times a day for the foreseeable, and my body is so much better now. 

    Now I'm neutropenic and my platelets count is 72 that is very low so I've just today received injections to encourage my bone marrow to produce more white cells as well as the injections I've been taking since the cancer diagnosis to encourage my bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. Both to be injected weekly on a Friday.

    I have a few other ailments too but I won't bore you any longer! 

    Take care Maninbath 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman

    So pleased to see you posting again and great news about Mrs Tvman. You have been missed. Looking forward to seeing more from you 

    Hugs for now


  • Oh Tvman you have really been through the mill, so has Mrs. Tvman I think you are both stronger for supporting each othere . I know this is how it works for me and Ray, he has a health problem with his kidneys and we are supportive to each othere, I've turned into a carer where he was caring for me, how the tables turn. Take care XX Moi