Mrs Tvman happy?

  • 35 replies
  • 73 subscribers

Well, I haven't posted here for a while because as some will remember Mrs Tvman was diagnosed with rectal cancer. After 5 weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and after a further 2 week wait until the results I'm delighted to say that her tumour and lymph nodes have disappeared completely,. Also no sign of cancer in the wall of the rectum, so NED SmileyThumbsup. She will be having regular 3 week chemo for while which she sees the result as a hollow victory. I'm telling her that some people on the site would give their eye teeth for such a result. I think she's gradually coming round to that state of mind. 

As for me I've been in the Lagan Valley hospital because of extreme jerking and inability to stand as my legs were buckling below me. I went in on Friday 6th October and got out on Monday 16th October. During that time my mood was so low and I feared I would die in there. Happily I was allowed out by the liver specialist. I'm jaundiced with slightly yellow skin and the whites of my eyes are definitely yellow. The focus now is to get my liver working properly and to start with a withdrawal of a drug that I am taking to lower the ferritin (iron) in my body due to my haemochromatosis (known loosely as the Celtic curse) that is caused by a mutated gene - H63D - that both my parents must have had but were unaware of. This mutation causes levels of iron to be deposited in major organs such as the heart and the liver. It's a complicated picture as you may well understand.

Take care everyone

Tvman xx

  • Hi TVMAN,

    I am delighted to hear MrsTVMans results, but sorry to hear what a torrid time you have been having. Best wishes to you both x


  • Hi Tvman

    What brilliant news for Mrs Tvman please pass on my best to her. Now the focus is you getting well again I will have my fingers crossed for you. Good luck and please keep us updated you have been missed

    Hugs to you and Mrs Tvman

  • Thank you tv man for telling us all the marvellous news of Mrs tv man missed you so much on the forum I have known you for such a long time I really hope you can get better now huge hugs and love to both of you please keep us updated xxxxx

  • Hi Tvman  so pleased to hear Mrs. Tvman is NED., even with ongoing treatment  great news. Thank god your home and on the mend, even if your skin is yellow, hope it improves for you. Sending hugs to you both xx


  • Many thanks to everyone who replied. I'm not sure how much I will be posting because of the jerking. In my original post I forgot to mention that I have been referred to orthopaedics with a view that the jerking may be due to further degeneration of my spine. Could conceivably be the cause of the jerking, .

    Most of all I'm happy to see old friends are still around the site, I'm full of respect you and my heart is warmed greatly by your responses Heart

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Best wishes to both of you. Fantastic news about Mrs tvman, and let's hope and pray that your health improves soon too. Pray Hugging

  • Hi, I'm so pleased you got good results for Mrs T. Sorry I haven't had a chance to post. Glad you managed to do it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I was only diagnosed in August and after processing all that's happening I eventually joined this online community last week . It's so encouraging to hear news from others like myself . 

    Good news about Mrs tvmen and sending positive vibes to you 

    Love and light always x


  • Hiya TV an

    I don't mind about jerky fingers that will only serve to keep me smiling so post away as much as you want.


  • Hi  

    I'm just working my way down the posts and replied on the 'flag to moderator' post, asking how you both are. Happy to find this post and good to know that you are both ok. Good news for Mrs tvman, that's fab. Hope they get to the bottom of the reason for the jerking for you. Take care.

    A x