Long time reading and my first post

  • 33 replies
  • 72 subscribers


I’ve finally plucked up the courage to post. I have found it really helpful reading posts in this forum. They have got me through some really dark times. it is so hard, both emotionally and physically, having incurable cancer. This forum has been a godsend to me. It keeps me sane just knowing that other people have similar experiences to me. 

I have children, grandchildren and a cute dog. I’m strong for all of them. They love me and I love them. Yet, I need more. One can’t always put on a brave face. I need people who understand the fear, the pain and the tedium that comes with being incurable. I also need cheering up occasionally!  


  • Hey Portales, now you can see the people here are all special, like you and me. This just gives us a place where we can bitch, moan, smile and, occasionally feel truly grateful for the little things. PS, I'm not always this upbeat and positive, we have all been given a really crap hand, which makes us all uniquely understanding of the situation. We all know what it's like to cry ugly. We'll be here when needed.

  • It’s me again! After plucking up the courage to join in on this forum properly I ended up in hospital over the summer. I’m better now but I was really quite ill. the only good thing was the fact that it wasn’t cancer related! I am steadily getting back to normal and hope that everyone is ok. I’m now going to catch up on reading a couple of months posts.


  • Hi Portales, Welcome back, sorry you have been in hospital but if it wasn't cancer related, then I hope things have now been resolved.

    I think if you try to catch up on three months posts, it will drive you mad, if I were you, I'd just start reading from now and you will soon pick things up!

    The "React" button, people press it if they have read the post but have nothing to add to what's been said ( this is only my opinion) when you press it four things come up, Like, Love,Sad, Hug, so if you like it you press the Thumbs Up sign and that shows at the side of the word React. By clicking on the number next to React, it will let you know Who reacted and How they Reacted. Why don't you try it with my reply, then you will know. If you make a mistake, press react again and it will delete it!

    hope you are feeling better now!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!