
  • 21 replies
  • 69 subscribers

Hi everyone, this is my first post, it’s taken me a long time to decide to do it. My diagnosis was a complete shock. Ironically my cancer was picked up as part of the NHS Grail trial to pick up cancer early, however after they’d detected a cancer signal in my uterus and I’d had ultrasound, biopsy and scans I was told I had stage 4b endometrial cancer. I’ve never had any symptoms so it was a complete shock to be told it was hopefully treatable but not curable, I’ve had chemo which shrunk all the tumours but unfortunately at my first 3 month review last week I was told tumour marker count is up and it looks like a new tumour in my lung!  I was hoping for a good outcome but it wasn’t to be however I’ve been offered a new drug treatment just signed off by the NHS which I will start soon. I’m keeping everything crossed this treatment will give me more time. 10 months after diagnosis I’m still in a state of denial especially as I’ve been fit and well all this time. Sorry if this post is too long. 

  • AuntieT

    I just responded to you on my own newbie thread and then looked up other newbies and saw your name.

    I just want you to know that I had similar feelings when i progressed to incurable but now I’ve gradually come to terms with it. My cancer was picked up at an earlier stage and I hoped that I was cured after surgery but it wasn’t to be. I was so sad as I wanted to live long enough to see my granddaughters fully grown. Who knows, I might do. As others have said, there are new drugs, new research and even though my oncologist had to cut short the immunotherapy (due to side effects) it has actually reduced the cancer and given me more time. Time which I intend to make the most of. So, onwards and upwards x