
  • 21 replies
  • 68 subscribers

Hi everyone, this is my first post, it’s taken me a long time to decide to do it. My diagnosis was a complete shock. Ironically my cancer was picked up as part of the NHS Grail trial to pick up cancer early, however after they’d detected a cancer signal in my uterus and I’d had ultrasound, biopsy and scans I was told I had stage 4b endometrial cancer. I’ve never had any symptoms so it was a complete shock to be told it was hopefully treatable but not curable, I’ve had chemo which shrunk all the tumours but unfortunately at my first 3 month review last week I was told tumour marker count is up and it looks like a new tumour in my lung!  I was hoping for a good outcome but it wasn’t to be however I’ve been offered a new drug treatment just signed off by the NHS which I will start soon. I’m keeping everything crossed this treatment will give me more time. 10 months after diagnosis I’m still in a state of denial especially as I’ve been fit and well all this time. Sorry if this post is too long. 

  • Thanks Judy, I’ve been comforted that a lot of people have passed their sell by date. I have to be positive that’s going to happen to me too!

    Tina x

  • Thank you Annette. I’m glad I decided to post, I’m hoping that I’m going to outlive my sell by date. My faith has helped me get through this awful journey so far and I hope that continues.

    Tina x

  • Hi Chelle, thank you for your message. I’ve joined the womb group now and will post details of new drugs treatment. When my gynae consultant told me my diagnosis it was exactly as you said - I felt as if I was in a movie watching it happen to someone else. 
    It’s inspirational that you’ve been living with cancer for 14 years. I hope that’s me - what a thing to wish!!

    Tina x

  • Hi AuntieT, so sorry to see you in our group but your in the right place. Also your post is never to long, if you want to rant,  cry, moan or laugh, yes we do laugh as well. We all find it hard to except what is happening to us at first, then treatments  and appointments become the new normal. There are so many new treatments out there now and they are pushing boundaries. Be kind to yourself and take care keep posting xx


  • Hi AuntieT, I'm sure it will not only continue but it will get even stronger!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Moi, Thank you for your kind and welcoming words. I’ve been encouraged to keep posting.

    Tina x

  • Glad to hear that. Even these little messages build you confidence up and before uou know it you'll  be saying exactly how you feel. Take care xx


  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read of your diagnosis. Welcome to the group. I have grade 3 stage 4b endometrial cancer as well. I have read your profile and am interested in the drugs you will be going on. My oncologist has mentioned about new drugs which were going to be approved. He has previously said that I would be a candidate for them but my last telephone appointment with him, I heard him asking the Macmillan nurse about my MMR (mismatch repair - don't fully understand but it's to do with cells and DNA). He has already said that my cancer is not suitable for immunotherapy so I'm expecting to get knocked back if I do need them. I am currently stable after treatment and have been for 10 months. My profile is there if you'd like to read it. It has taken a long time to come to terms with my diagnosis as, like you I had been fit and well. This group is great and there are lots of friendly, supportive members. Keep posting and best wishes for your treatment.

    A x

  • Hi AuntieT,

    Welcome to the group and sorry that you find yourself here, best wishes for the new treatment and I hope that you continue to feel fit and well.


  • Hi A,

    Thank you for your reply. I've read your profile and do feel blessed that I've never experienced any pain so have been able to live my life as I would have done without the diagnosis. The drugs I've been offered are Keytruda and Lenvima, the leaflet I've been given shows some awful possible side effects but then there are some awful side effects associated with Chemo which luckily I never experienced  - except hair loss of course. I'm seeing my consultant tomorrow, he said he has to go through all the side effects with me and then I'll find out how often I'll need the infusion, how often to take the tablets and when the treatment can start. He's also referred me to another hospital to see if they have any trials I can take part in so I feel reassured that he's doing his best for me. Unlike you, I've not been brave enough to ask about time scales, part of me wants to remain ignorant while I feel as well as I do. I have to come to terms that my consultant is trying to keep me as well as he can for as long as he can and that's all I can ask! It's weird, we all know we're going to die, it's only when you're told you have incurable cancer that you now for real you're going to die! Hopefully that's a while away yet......