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  • 65 subscribers

Hi everyone, this is my first post, it’s taken me a long time to decide to do it. My diagnosis was a complete shock. Ironically my cancer was picked up as part of the NHS Grail trial to pick up cancer early, however after they’d detected a cancer signal in my uterus and I’d had ultrasound, biopsy and scans I was told I had stage 4b endometrial cancer. I’ve never had any symptoms so it was a complete shock to be told it was hopefully treatable but not curable, I’ve had chemo which shrunk all the tumours but unfortunately at my first 3 month review last week I was told tumour marker count is up and it looks like a new tumour in my lung!  I was hoping for a good outcome but it wasn’t to be however I’ve been offered a new drug treatment just signed off by the NHS which I will start soon. I’m keeping everything crossed this treatment will give me more time. 10 months after diagnosis I’m still in a state of denial especially as I’ve been fit and well all this time. Sorry if this post is too long. 

  • Hi AuntieT

    So sorry to hear your news, that’s a terrible shock for you. The new treatment sounds positive. There are lots of people on this forum in the same position as you, all different cancers and all incurable but treatable. Nice to meet you, others will be along soon with wise words which I’m not good at. But you’ve found us and I found it really helped me when I was first diagnosed. It’s like a family, lots of people check in everyday on the chit chat thread, would be nice to see you there. Also it would be a good idea to  fill in your profile as it saves having to repeat yourself a lot. See you soon

    Jac x

  • Hi AuntieT 

    We know where you’re coming from. But we are a friendly supportive group who will be here for you. I too took a while to post anything as I couldn’t accept that this had happened to me after looking after myself all my life. I’m 9 months into my journey. But gradually it does get easier and there are people on this forum who have passed their sell by date and who are here to help with what they have learnt along their journey. 
    as Jac says, I too have no wise words other than keep in touch and be encouraged by the caring community we have formed. 

    Judy xx

  • Hi Auntie T

    First of all, I'm so sorry that you have been given this shocking news and no wonder you were in denial...it takes a lot of coming to terms with. Secondly,  well done for taking the leap to post in this group. I don't post very often, but I do read others' posts. 

    Everyone on here as a similar yet different experience of their cancer but I find, and I hope you do too, sharing these experiences does make things easier. 

    You can read each person's profile by clicking on their name.

    I'm in the endometrial cancer group and the incurable group. 

    Get support relating to all matters, ask questions, share worries and fears and say all the things that you feel you probably can't say or don't want to say to family or friends. 

    Sending a big hug  Hugging

    Helen x 

  • Hi AuntieT and a warm welcome! As the others have said, you have come to the right place to get the support you need. There really are no words of wisdom here because no one is medically trained but what this Group has in common is they have all been where you are now. It's a shock to everyone to find out they have Stage4 uncurable cancer and it is a lot to get your head round. It takes time to take it all in. However the thing to remember is if there are treatment options then it's great news

    I am one of the ones who have outlived my sell by date and for me, it was a Trial Drug that made the difference so I hope the trial you go on does the same for you. They are making leaps and bounds with new drugs for all different types of cancer!

    By the way, there is no such thing as a post that is too long! All you have to do is say what's on your mind and hopefully among this group, someone could have "been there, done that" and you can learn from other's experience! I think every one of us, read posts for a while before having the nerve to write, so good for you, you have made the first step!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  welcome to the group, but so sorry you find yourself here. I too have womb cancer that is now in my lungs. If you click on my profile picture it will take you to my profile page where you can read my story. 

    That is interesting to hear that you will be starting a new drug. I will definitely be interested to hear about it once you find out the details, and I know the ladies in the Womb (uterus) cancer forum would be interested too. 

    I fully understand how you feel about the denial. I think we all felt like that, it’s like it isn’t happening to you, but to someone else and you are on the side lines looking in. I have talked a lot over the years ( I’ve been living with cancer for 14 years) about how I grieved for my old life, and I believe denial was the first stage. 

    Keep talking to us here, it does help to be with people who really do understand how you are feeling. The only club you wish you didn’t have to join, but glad you did x 

    “Try to be a rainbow, in somebody else's cloud” ~ Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Jac, thanks for your message. I’ve no idea how to navigate or use this site at the moment! I will complete my profile now I’ve found it. I may have replied twice!!!

  • No rush Auntie, just thought it might help you a bit 

    Jac x

  • Thanks Jac, profile completed, Your help is much appreciated x

  • Hi Judy, thanks for your kind message. Feeling the love and support from you guys 

    Tina x

  • Thanks so much for your message and big hug. I’ll check out the endometrial cancer group too. I didn’t realise I could do both and it’s good to know I can post stuff not suitable for ears of friends and family. 

    Tina x