New to this group :)

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  • 65 subscribers

Hello, My name is Doli. Hoping to give and recieve support due to the testing times we are all going through. I have St4 Ovarian and Secondary Liver Cancer. I have been on this site before but always read and never post. Right now my current chemo cycle has just finished, had my CT scan. Very anxious for when i see my consultant next week. Im terrified it will be bad news.

  • Hi Doli 

    So sorry that you’ve found yourself here but it’s a good place to be with everyone going through similar. Lots of kind people to give advice and be a shoulder to cry on or rant to and to exchange stories with. Scanxiety affects a lot of people here and we know how you feel. Come over to Ellie’s good morning chit chat thread for light hearted relief. 

    love Jac x

  • Thank you lovely. I will do Slight smile

  • Hi Doli

    Glad you decided to post and you are very welcome to join in at anytime.

    Every one is uptight when waiting for scan results, though i have to say, since day one.

    My attitude has been i have done my bit, and had scan and i can not change whet it is going to say, But i wont to know what then if bad news what plan is in place. I have asked that already, so i know my next port of call, when it happens.

    Shadders said go to the lovely morning thread lol its not mine its for  feveryone, for light chit chat, rubbish or what ever takes your fancy, mine is about the jobs i normally do. though tomorrow going shopping, lol 


  • Hi Doli, it gets very worrying waiting for scan results we call it scanziaty.  Your in the right place. I try to keep busy while waiting for results. I'm getting a ct scan tomorrow , get them every 3 months, alot of us do. You can chat, laugh, cry, support each other. Keep posting and chatting. Even though you present chemo is coming to an end, there are lots of othere treatments and tries going on out there. Take care xx


  • Hi Doli, welcome to the group, glad that you have taken the plunge and joined in. Best wishes for your results next week, I am getting my latest results in a fortnight or so, it's a jittery time. 


  • Hi Doli and a warm welcome! Glad you found the courage to post at last. Most people, including myself, tend to read the posts at first and not reply to any. Then I thought, if everyone did that, there would be nothing to read! So thanks for posting!

    Good luck with your results and please let us know what happens! There is support here for both good & bad news!

    Like Ellie, I don't waste my energy worrying because it won't change the outcome, so I try to concentrate on other things!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Welcome to the family. I have had results from ct scans really good  good news tumors in brain are all gone and tumors in all my organs afe shrinking  hope this gives you hope and we are all here tosupport each other.  Keep fighting your not alone 

  • Hello Farmer I don't we've met but that is wonderful news! and so encouraging.

    Love Judy x

  • That's great news so pleased for you xxx

  • Congratulations,  fantastic news, these results give us app hope xx
