New to this group :)

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Hello, My name is Doli. Hoping to give and recieve support due to the testing times we are all going through. I have St4 Ovarian and Secondary Liver Cancer. I have been on this site before but always read and never post. Right now my current chemo cycle has just finished, had my CT scan. Very anxious for when i see my consultant next week. Im terrified it will be bad news.

  • Morning Doli,

    Tough time. Try to focus on a nice photo or good memory. I know easier said than done. Good luck.


  • Hello Doli it’s not easy and it’s hard to know what to say to ease your fears. But I’m thinking of you and sending big hugs Hugging 

    trust that it won’t be as bad as you anticipate. 
    Love Judy xx

  • Hi  

    Hello Doli, welcome to the group. I'm sorry to read that cancer has spread to your liver. Well done on getting through the chemo, it's a tough time. When I was having chemo, a lot of my cancer symptoms got better and eventually disappeared. Can you tell from your body if there is improvement? If you would like to read my profile please click on my username. I am now 10 months on from chemo and am still stable. Try not to worry, it's easy for me to say but not easy for you to do. I sincerely hope for good news for you, let us know how you get on. I know you'll find lots of support here.

    A x

  • Hi Fermer, I don't believe we have chatted either, so welcome. that's great news for you. Let's hope Doli has good results too!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Doli, (Bengalimum32) How are you feeling now? Do you have a date to get your results yet? Sometimes they only take a month and other times it can take much longer but it is always the waiting that is hard but you have to find a way to deal with it because we all have scans, no matter how long we have been on here! You could worry yourself sick but in the end, it won't affect the outcome, so it is better to try to take your mind off it. I hope you get good news like Fermer but you will learn how to cope better with each scan I hope!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette! Hi Everyone!

    Thank you for the lovely msgs. Im ok now calmed down. What will be will be i think Slight smile My meeting with the consultant is next week so Ive decided to keep myself busy, do some painting around the house etc before the schools close for the summer.

  • Hi Doli, It's good to keep busy but remember not to overdo it. If you feel tired, stop for a break, then when you feel rested you can always do a bit more. I think especially since you've had chemo, you will get more tired than you expect but that is just the chemo still working as it and drugs still go on working even when you have stopped taking them. I'm pleased you only have to wait a week, that's not long. Where in the house are you painting? I used to do all the painting and decorating in our house but can no longer manage it. We get a painter in now! Good luck, keep in touch!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!