Do not resuscitate

  • 46 replies
  • 71 subscribers


Sorry to bring down the mood, but I am very upset. 
I am due to start chemo on Thu and I’m hoping if I go through it all, it will give me extra time as I look at posts on here and lots of people are beating the odds.

The palliative nurse asked me about resuscitation and I told her my wishes on Monday. Today the forms arrived signed by my doctor together with injections should my pain increase.

Cant help thinking they know something I don’t and it makes it imminent, can’t bring myself to say what ‘it’ is, but I think you know what I mean.

What do others think? Please let me know.


  • Thank you Moi.

    I really am in a better, much happier frame of mind and I have done that, like Cat.

    I have seen a friend and so enjoyed my day.

    Thank you Moi x

  • Hi Mags, just seen your posts, and read through them, and I must agree with the ladies that have responded to you, what I would say is there is curable Cancer, incurable cancer but treatable and terminal cancer, I am past my sell by date, and intended to keep going for as long as possible, I'll complete a DNR form when I'm told I have no chance and not before, life is for living so regardless of of treatments or side effects.

  • Thank you Ulls.I like your way of thinking and very much appreciate your reply.

    Sorry for my delayed reply but I found your message in my emails so I don’t think I’m navigating the site properly yet.

    Have a great day


  • That happens to me aswell all my post and answers end up in my email box, 

  • Good morning Mags hope your chemo goes well today.  Thinking about you, I play games my phone when having treatment in the hospital,  but I have it at home so chat to my nurse. Take care xx


  • Thank you Moi. So kind of you to think about me. It’s just started and I have a magazine. Delay was due to raised white cells. More upsetting conversations but doctor helped by saying that liking at my bloods etc, he wouldn’t tell me not to have it and decision was mine. Decided to go ahead.

    Have a good evening Moi x

  • Hi Mags, To be honest, I think it is "just one of those things they do". While I was waiting to see if I qualified for a Trial, I was asked about signing a DNR and I did sign it.

    However once I came off the trial, I was well passed my sell by date and then I asked if that piece of paper (that's all it is!) could be destroyed. Then I said if I get to that stage, I will know and I will ask you, please don't ask me again!

    Good luck with the Chemo Mags. If you look at how many are passed their sell by date, you will see miracles do happen!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • At the risk of sounding a bit thick.  What are these 'two injections'?  Is it something they give to patients? 

    Is it a case of:

    " here's the first injection to "make you comfortable"

    And when the person's unconscious and unable to articulate properly,, they then give them  the second injection to "make them even more comfortable' 

    There's the risk that  some cancer patients might think they're being a burden to their loved ones and they might end up being talked into/ agreeing to the injections.

    I'm uncomfortable with it. 

  • Hi harebell, a female friend of ours past away with lung cancer which had spread to her brain, sometimes she was lucid some times not, on the day she past only her husband and sons were allowed in, she called out in pain, and was given an injection, she past away in her sleep, no one no knows if the injection helped her pass or just relieved the pain, her husband said that after 20 days slowly disappearing it was a blessed relief for her.

    My wife and I still miss her now, I'm weeping whilst writing this. 

  • Hi Harebelle,  a friends mum was at the end of her very painful life, the doctor told the family to say there goodbyes, ( she was in amd our of consciousness) as she wouldn't wake up again after the next injection, she heared him and said thankyou. That broke my heart xx
