New to this group.. but not new to the incurables!

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Hi, just wanted to introduce myself and my story really. 7 years ago I was diagnosed with Gallbladder cancer, I had a liver resection done and 6 months of adjuvant chemotherapy. All we t well but during that time I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer so I went on to have a total thyroidectomy and the lymphs removed on the right side of my neck. Again it went well and from 2017 until 2020 I was cancer free, no evidence of disease. 

In September 2020 my scan showed I had something in my abdomen and also an ovarian cyst so the decision was made to go for a full hysterectomy and also abdominal surgery at the same time.

The cyst wasn't a cyst it was a Mucinous ovarian cancer tumour, but the surgery was the cure for that. The abdominal surgery pathology showed I had actually 3 tumours that were all gallbladder metastases. So I went on to have another 6 months of chemotherapy.

In 2022 a other tumour popped up near my bladder so I had another surgery, again it was gallbladder cancer. Incredibly and surprisingly, the last tumour removed was surrounded by what I have been told was a desmoid tumour and my surgeon said my body is trying to fight back!!!

So yes, I'm incurable sadly there is no cure for gallbladder cancer but I'm lucky, I'm on year 7 and I feel absolutely marvelous, yes I've had a lot of surgeries and treatments but I'm still standing and still trying to live my best life.

  • Hi, there is no secret, no convincing has ever taken place. When I had the diagnosis and liver resection surgery I was lucky that the same surgeon is still on my team, so when the gallbladder cancer metastised to my peritoneal cavity and bowel he was the one who mad ethe decision with the MDT that it was do'able to operate. At the same time I had what I was told was a growing ovarian cyst so again the MDT decided a full open hysterectomy as well as the metastasized Gallbladder tumours could be done at the same time with two teams. I was then informed the cyst wasn't actually a cyst but a Mucinous Ovarian cancer.  After that the gallbladder cancer came back again this time nextBlush my urinary bladder so again, after discussions with the Christie hospital in Manchester my team at Aintree hospital were advised to go ahead and do surgery again which took place in July last year. So yes I am stBlushage 4 metastic and as i previously said (i think on here) I shouldn't be here, my surgeon and team say they threw the rule book out for my case because I should've succumbed to gallbladder cancer after 3 months after diagnosis, that was in 2016 and I'm still here and still no evidence of disease in February's CT scan. 

  • Ps I'm sorry for the weird emojis and grammatical mistakes, it's difficult replying on my phone 

  • I was told inoperable stage 3 but treatable, offered palliative chemo, but ended up with immunotherapy which has given me alot more time xx


  • Another 69er here!     ThumbsupIs that where your name originates sistermoon - the penny just dropped there! 

  • A belated welcome smiffy to our little gang. I've been on holiday and just seen your post. Do keep posting. Onwards & upwards. Rainie x

  • Hi  

    Apologies I've just come across this now. It's a mixture of things. Yes, the year of the moon landing, a favourite song by Transvision Vamp, a reference to my former position and because the moon is always linked to the feminine and mine is endometrial cancer.
