New to this group.. but not new to the incurables!

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Hi, just wanted to introduce myself and my story really. 7 years ago I was diagnosed with Gallbladder cancer, I had a liver resection done and 6 months of adjuvant chemotherapy. All we t well but during that time I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer so I went on to have a total thyroidectomy and the lymphs removed on the right side of my neck. Again it went well and from 2017 until 2020 I was cancer free, no evidence of disease. 

In September 2020 my scan showed I had something in my abdomen and also an ovarian cyst so the decision was made to go for a full hysterectomy and also abdominal surgery at the same time.

The cyst wasn't a cyst it was a Mucinous ovarian cancer tumour, but the surgery was the cure for that. The abdominal surgery pathology showed I had actually 3 tumours that were all gallbladder metastases. So I went on to have another 6 months of chemotherapy.

In 2022 a other tumour popped up near my bladder so I had another surgery, again it was gallbladder cancer. Incredibly and surprisingly, the last tumour removed was surrounded by what I have been told was a desmoid tumour and my surgeon said my body is trying to fight back!!!

So yes, I'm incurable sadly there is no cure for gallbladder cancer but I'm lucky, I'm on year 7 and I feel absolutely marvelous, yes I've had a lot of surgeries and treatments but I'm still standing and still trying to live my best life.

  • Hi nice to met you, what a journey you have been on, and you said your still standing, i fill like breaking into song, saying that

    I just wanted to say hi, though i am on the way out, and did not want, your thread  un answered,

    Others will be along, they always come in, great bunch of people, and we all support each other.


  • I'm sorry to hear that, but I guess this group is where the reality of our shared situations is the place to talk openly about it all.  I'm like an open book anyway, I sometimes overshare my story, but that's because all 3 of the cancer's I've had are rare and it's difficult to find a safe space to talk freely without either scaring friends and family or sounding like a broken record.  

    I wish you well Ellie and thanks for your kind reply

  • That is some story Smiffy.  Sounds like your body is ready for anything so as we say here ' onwards and upwards'

    I have managed 6 years with a straitforward prostate cancer so we are both proving it can be done. Good luck for a long future. 

    • Hi Smiffy lovely to meet you. As Ellie says, what a journey. It’s been a hard road for you but it also brings encouragement to those who are incurable. I’ve been having chemo treatment since last November for NSCLC lung cancer and I’m due a CT scan next Tuesday..I have pains in my neck, hopefully it’s nothing but if it is thyroid’s then I know they maybe able to treat it. Off out now to walk my dog, Ollie. 
      judy xx
  • I think it's the Irish genes! Nice to meet you Chalkdust, cool name by the way RoflRoflRoflRoflRofl

  • Morning MSG23, yes it's a bit of unbelievable story and it's mad that my team say they are literally winging it and the rule book was thrown out of the window years ago in my case.  

    Aww the scanxiety epeiod is the pits, that time we don't even realise we are holding our breath for the results, I hope your scan goes well and you don't have too long to wait for your results Judy, enjoy your walk and weekend 

    Colette xx

  • Again! You are an encouragement. I was given 2 years. But my Oncologist is seeing I’m a picture of health Rolling eyes and walk Ollie for up to 1 1/2 hours a day so he said, we’ll take each day as it comes!! 
    Up to now I’ve had an appointment with my Oncologist a week after my scan so I’ve never had to wait long. They are so good at Wrexham. I go in with my hands over my ears Stuck out tongue closed eyes have a lovely weekend too Colette xxx

  • Amazing, my team didn't put any time frame on my situation other than to say it's incurable but my last scan was NED, so I'm still on 3 monthly scans but that's ok.

  • Ps I'm under Clatterbridge in Liverpool 

  • You’re not far from me then. I live in Mold near Queensferry. I originally lived in Wallasey.