Saying hello

  • 42 replies
  • 73 subscribers

Good morning to you all just thought I would introduce myself.My name is Brian I have been diagnosed with stage 4 incurable rectal cancer which has spread to my liver and lungs. Prognosis is not good but I am fighting. Had my 2nd course of chemotherapy last week. Still getting used to it all. 

  • Good, that’s what this group is so useful for. Have you got a supportive family? 
    Jac x

  • Hi jac yes I have a fantastic family 2sons and 2 daughters who even though they have their own families are always calling in coming with me to appointments, they have gone through so much losing their mum last July. I count myself so lucky.

  • Hi Brian none of us want to be here but we make the most of what we have. I'm so sorry you have lost your wife to this pig of a disease. Do you have a good support group, family and friends , asylum will already no it helps. Thinking of you xx


  • Hi Moi yes I have fantastic support from my family and friends it's times like these you know how strong your family and friends network is I count myself so lucky. This disease is so cruel, but to be honest I knew I was ill but my wife came first we spent 35 years happily married as I said to a doctor when I was diagnosed to me it proves we was soul mates.

  • Hi and welcome to our group of great people you will get loads of support on here whenever you need us take a day at a time you will have good days and bad days we all do and you keep fighting on that is half the battle xx

  • That’s lovely to hear Brian, bless them, they love you and want to look after you. 

    Jac x

  • Thank you for the welcome, all ready I have had some really nice messages from some nice people.

  • Hi Brian and welcome if you want to know about others on the group just touch our icons and read our profiles, sometimes we get a bit nutty all for a laugh, just keep reading and posting, forget the C and enjoy yourself.

  • Thank you for the welcome, hope you don't mind I read your profile I must admit I had a tear in my eye reading it. My family are aware I cannot be cured in more ways than one especially my sense of humour. They are keeping me occupied with planning up and coming days out big family holiday in July so as they all say I have plenty of time to do what I want to do as long as it doesn't stop them planning things for me to do. Already I have taken comfort from reading all my welcome messages. 

  • Brian is you have a good sense of humor, then your in the right place, laughter is the best policy, though we all have our done moments, we are human, though some one here, to always bring you back up,