Secondary breast cancer

  • 12 replies
  • 63 subscribers

I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer with mets in bones and lungs. Still trying to sort my head out, trying to look positively on the potentially many years I have left and stay being me throughout it all . Nice to meet you virtually if not that great a reason to be here. I’m sorry that we’re all here but having this forum makes it all a bit easier xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shadders,

    Welcome to the group. I had mets in bones and lung, please click on my username if you would like to read my profile. I became stage 4 quite quickly but have had chemo and radio and am currently well, fingers crossed. It's a lot to get your head round at first. I hope you can have treatment and I wish you well.

    A x

  • Hi Sistermoon,

    I am having treatment but not intravenous chemo or radio. They’ve started me on Palbociclib and Anastrozole. I have a scan on the 21st to monitor progress. I feel as if it’s working in my lungs anyway. I will look at your profile thank you. 


  • Hiya - we're all here to help each other :-)  And we do like a bit of a laugh/chocolate/wine occasionally.  Interesting drugs you're on.  I'm on immunotherapy (just been for a top-up today) so every drug ending *ib and *ab is sure to get my attention.  

  • Hi Shadders,

    Sorry you've had to join our group but hope you find lots of support here. Relaxed

  • Hi Shadders, welcome to our group. If uou want to rant, off load, just chat, or a good laugh Smiley your in the right place mine was bowel cancer then came back in a number of places including lungs I'm also on immunotherapy and had my 31st treatment on Monday. I'm sending good vibes and hugs to you. Keep posting xx


  • Thank you Mmum, laughing, chocolate and wine have been my saviour in the past few months. I’m looking forward to being part of this group 


  • Thank you Little-fi , support is always welcome and I do feel that no one else really understands though they all try hard! 

    Jac x

  • Sorry to hear your story Moi2 but I’m feeling the good vibes, thank you

    Jac x

  • Hi  , welcome to the group that no one wants to join. Lovely to meet you but I wish we had met elsewhere. 

    It's such a shock getting a cancer diagnosis, it really messes with your head, you don't know what to do, who to tell. What you need is a strong partner or family member that you can rely on to be there when you need them. What you also want is a support group like friends online who can guide you through what to expect and you can look no further than here. 

    I was diagnosed in March 2015 with an incurable bone marrow cancer. I have treatment every week by way of an hour and here I am almost 8 years later. After 4 months my back got terribly painful, so bad that I had to go into a wheelchair. Life can be so cruel but we have to deal with whatever comes our way, try not to let it get to you. I was given some counselling, my future plans were ripped to shreds which was hard to deal with, but I try and I try to help others.

    It's a pleasure to meet you Shadders and no doubt our paths will cross again soon.

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks TV, I’m doing my best to not let it get to me. I’m a pretty positive person and know that others are a lot more worse off than me. My sis in law was diagnosed with secondary aggressive lung cancer with mets in bones and then throat and brain and died six months later leaving three young children. Life can be shit and we all have to cope the best way we can. Sometimes that means reaching out to others going through something similar as I have done, I didn’t mean to sound ‘woe is me’ just looking for some common ground and understanding. Thank you for your reply and I hope that you continue to respond to your weekly treatment. That must be gruelling for you. 