Secondary breast cancer

  • 12 replies
  • 63 subscribers

I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer with mets in bones and lungs. Still trying to sort my head out, trying to look positively on the potentially many years I have left and stay being me throughout it all . Nice to meet you virtually if not that great a reason to be here. I’m sorry that we’re all here but having this forum makes it all a bit easier xxx

  • So sorry to hear that about your sister in law, Jac,. That's terrible, how long ago was that and what about the 3 children, what became of them?

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks TV, That was 4 years ago when the children were 12, 8 and 4. They are fine, my brother is a great dad but obviously finds it difficult. The eldest, now 16 is still going through the grieving process while trying to work towards her GCSEs. The middle one likes to paint draw and write so seems to be working through it that way. The youngest gets upset as he can’t clearly remember his mum. So desperately sad for them all. He has a lovely family around him, support from both sets of grandparents and siblings but it’s not really enough, he’s exhausted. We do our best to help. 

    Thank you for your concern 
