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Hi I have incurable womb cancer that spread to pelvis under breastbone and lungs then infiltrated my bladder then had a seizure it has matasasized to my brain going tomorrow for an MRI scan as they’re not sure if there is a lesion on the left as well as the right it could be a blood vessel if it’s a lesion have to have brain op and then radiotherapy on the bigger lesion starting on the 30 September for 3 weeks 5 times a week as long as they can treat me I’m happy after  MRI I have to have a mould made for where it will be targeted so wish me luck and I’ll update 

kind regards 

Mo K

  • Hi Mo k

    So sorry you have had to come here, but you are most welcome, and you will get a lot of support from everyone here. There will be some one that may have the answer you want, as we all have had different kinds of in oe way and another.

    Though i am glad you found us, i have to say, i would not have got this far, if it was not for the people here, supporting me in various ways.

    Please use the group when ever you have to, and yes keep us updated

  • should read different kinds of treatment,  sorry

  • Thanks Ellie for ur reply I’m sure I’m going to need u ladies emotions are up and down but I’m mostly positive 

    kind regards 

    Mo K

  • Positive attitude is the best way forward. emotions play a big part in this situation, we have all had them so your not alone, and do not even fill like you ae, not here any way,

  • Hi Mo

    i too have just been diagnosed with brain mets and will be starting whole brain radiotherapy next week.  it’s a very scary time - the worse bit is always the not knowing what happens next.  I had a good chat with my consultant today and now feel a lot better and ready to get started!

    Wishing you all the best for the next stage of your journey xx

  • Hi Mo K

    I've read your posts and cannot believe all that you've been hoping through. You are so strong!

    I hope your next treatment plan goes well and you will update again once you've had time to recover. 

    So lovely that you can rely on your family. 

    1. Sending love and good wishes! 
  • Mo k

    Going not hoping

  • Thanks Nan 7 just got to be strong and I take each day as it comes don’t know what I’d do without my lovely family and friends  I have 2 sons and 1 daughter my youngest is getting married 3rd Nov so really looking forward to it a  my daughter is getting  married for the 3rd time on Dec 20 th I have my outfits all ready I’m even writing a poem for my son and reading it just hope I won’t be a blubbing wreck 

    kind regards 

    Mo K xxxx

  • Thanks Elysian I’m going tomorrow for MRI and mask moulding to target the little beast and c if the lesion on the left is just that or a blood vessel not sure whether I’ll find out straight as the neurologist will be viewing it in Walton Liverpool. it is scary times the seizure was the scariest I was out for a meal my hubby just coming back with the drinks I went to talk to a lady who had retired from my old works and my arm went all over the place I woke up in ambulance 2 ladies o e staff and one customer had to give me CPR as my breathing was noisy felt like the air was gushing out of my body they sent me home the next evening just got in the door and it started again. So ambulance back to hospital I’m on steroids and epilepsy meds had the seizures for 3 days but got less severe ended up staying in hospital over a week as they were reducing the steroids and wanted to make sure I was ok which I have been was frightened to go to sleep but that soon went so lovely to be back in my own bed but I only sleep for about 5 hours as the steroids keep me awake only on 2  a day which I take in the morning and 2 500mg epilepsy tablets as they don’t want me to hand anymore seizures funny that neither do I nice chatting and u hope yrs goes ok 

    kind Regards

    Mo K xxxxx