Terminal is looming and I don't like it, not one bit

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I was given 12-18 months to live in January/February last year.  I began feeling ropey about 10 days before my last Oncology appointment, and I've been going  downhill since.  It was decided between myself and the Oncologist that there was nothing else to be done.  I have stomach cancer with liver mets.  Today I went for an appointment and I had to have a wheelchair go get me there.  The slightest tasks make me breathless.  Just having a shower, and getting and washed and drying my hair made my completely unable to do anything.  I have had a breathless day and now I'm scared that might this is the beginning of the end.

Anyone else in the same sinking boat out there?

  • Hi

    I am sorry, to read your thread.

    I am not at that point and i do not know how would fill.

    Do you have support to help you going threw this.

    Is there a  back up system for you to contact.

    I know and it not always for end of life, the hospice can be great help, in all circumstance, they can help in so many ways,  and advise you and put things into place, to make life easier.

    Might be worth a phone call, nothing to lose.

    i could not let your thread go  unanswered, some one is always here, just to listen if nothing else.

    Though because of the time, there might not be.

    I hope you seek some support, you are not alone and there are things out there to help you , manage, with what you are finding hard to do, at this moment in time.

    Please keep posting. x

  • Hi Mrs2rs, and a warm welcome to the forum, though not a place any of us would wish to be, and I'm truly sorry you have to be here 

    I was glad to read you have a wonderful husband and son, as well as good friends to support you, none of us are experts, we all know a little about our own cancers, and many of us recognise how daily tasks get more difficult through time, but we all understand the emotions and feelings associated with our condition, and the difficulties they add to our lives, and as much as we know to try and be positive, it's not always possible, and being scared is never far away, we know if you want to scream, shout,rant or cry then do so, and if you want help, support, a shoulder to cry on or just someone to talk to, who understands, we are here for you, none of us knows how long we have, and that includes your doctors, and coming off treatment can often allow your immune system to recover and get to work on your cancer, giving you more time, precious time to make something of. Today I found out my cancer has spread to my spine, it was always likely, and due to co-morbidities, I doubt there's anything they can do, but I knew this day was coming and did my ReSPECT form, DNR form and POA last year, so I could carry on making the most of my time however much remains,  which is what I hope you will.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Mrs2rs, A warm welcome although I’m sure you don’t want to be here, as Ellie said there is usually someone about to chat to, even at his unearthly hour, so you I’ll always find support here.

    Eddie is right about us all knowing about our own type of cancer and they are all different but the one thing we all know is no one knows when the end will come. Lots of us here have outlived our prognosis and are well passed our sell by date! However over the years we realise that things we could do easily before are quite a task now. Especially physical things like taking a shower and walking are exhausting. Thankfully, one of the things I have never had is breathlessness. It must be so frightening. Attending a hospice or Maggie’s Centre can make a huge difference to how you feel and they also have different therapies that may help. Anything is worth a try. Never give up hope. I take one day at a time. Please keep in touch!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  , 

    I'm not in a similar place yet, so I can't understand fully. As others have said, hospice can be so useful. For pain control,  symptom control, but also for emotional, psychological support. You may of just had a bad day, and I hope that's the case. Regardless, please keep reaching out here if it's useful for you. 

    Lex - xx 

  • Hello,

    I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer last June and given an average prognosis around 24 months. 

    However, I don't think I will last that long. My physical health has deteriorated so much this last few months. I have had a couple of hospital admissions. The first because my hip gave way and I was in excruciating pain. The second time I had a pleurodesis for fluid on my left lung.

    Like you, I find showering so difficult. I have to lie on the bed wet because I am too weak to dry myself sitting or standing up. Even going to the toilet is difficult. I spend all day in bed and can feel myself getting weaker.

    I take Morphine for pain which doesn't always work and when it does it leaves me feeling groggy.

    I have an appointment to see the oncologist on Wednesday and I will also need a wheelchair to get there. I can't walk more than a few yards without needing to rest.

    I just want you to know that you are not alone in this. Please keep reaching out. 

  • I am sorry to hear things are becoming very difficult for you. I am incurable but not at your stage yet. I hope you have help at home and have arranged, or can arrange, as many things as possible to make life more comfortable. When my brother in law got close to the end, the local hospice was very helpful to both him and his wife. Unfortunately it took a while to get a room when he reached the point of needing that, but it helped to already be in touch. Wishing you all the best. 

  • Hi as others have said before me I’m sorry that you find yourself  feeling so weak and down . My advice would be the same as others contact or get someone to contact the hospice . They were wonderful with my brother not only supported him but the family too  . I hope you can get some help I will keep you in my thoughts 

  • Hi Mrs2rs,  as someone who has had the support of my hospice and their palliative care team, for 18 months, benefiting from all the support they offer, from respite, access to their consultant, nurse consultant, counselling,  therapies and support/social groups, both at the hospice and at home, I can't thank or recommend them enough. Just knowing they are there for you, takes away a lot of anxiety and worry, helping you to make the most of what time you have, as ccomfortably as possible. 

    Eddie xx 

  • Thank you, nice to know you are here

  • Thank you, nice to know you are here

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