Need positive message as terrified and feel not much time left

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  • 24 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I’m just out of hospital having had brain lesions discovered following seizures earlier this week. I already knew I had stage 4 breast cancer with mets to ribs and lungs. I was diagnosed in May last year with lung mets after a persistent cough but somehow the brain and bone mets were missed and discovered only in the last week. I’m not sure if they’re new as I think they may have been missed on my ct scans and only spotted on the mri and bone scans I’ve had very recently. Things have been terrifying enough already but I am now beside myself with worry about the future. I’m seeing my oncologist on Thursday next week and hopefully will have a course of radiotherapy for my brain mets. It would be great if anyone with a similar diagnosis has had a positive outcome they can tell me about,  just any words of hope really would be much appreciated. I have tried to readjust to the new normal last year but this just feels like immeasurable hell following on from what has already been a horrendous time and really hope someone out there can offer some hope. Thank you. Xx

  • Hi LovedbyArchiedog, your feelings sound familiar, as does wanting them to start treatment ASAP, to take care of this awful disease, I too have a dog, a jack russel called Poppy who's completely mad and takes my mind off things I'd rather not think about. Im sure Archie is looking forward to coming home too, Poppy says hi.

  • Hello Poppy, she looks lovely. Archie also is great for taking me away from horrible things and is somewhat mad! I have a feeling he has enjoyed being spoilt at his aunts lately but anyway he’s back home now so things feel a bit more normal this evening:)

  • Awww, Archie, looks a character, and he looks like he likes having his picture taken too, I love his ears, and I'm sure he gets a treat or two at home House with garden, they do make such a difference, does Archie like to cuddle up, Poppy does 

  • Hi LovedbyArchie, It is good to hear you and Archie are both at home, where you should be!

    i do hope your nurse checks up when your treatment should start as she said she would. If you haven’t heard anything by next Thursday or Friday, I would be giving her a call, just to remind her it’s no joke having to wait for word and let her know how anxious you feel.

    I have to admit, at one time in my life I was a worrier, which only made me feel worse. Then one day it suddenly dawned on me that whether I made myself sick or not by worrying, it would not change the results I was waiting on. So I talked myself into not worrying. It doesn’t happen overnight but bit by bit and by keeping my m8nd occupied with other things, gradually I wasn’t worrying any more. As Eddie said too, I try to keep busy. If I am too tired to do much, I do online jigsaws (they are free) also Word Puzzles and reading, I’ve also started learning how to crochet! On other better days I will clear out a cupboard or drawer. I made a list of what needed doing and ticked them off one at a time, it gives you a sense of achievement. Why not give it a go! As I’ve said before, where there’s Life there’s Hope, so please never give up and keep us posted!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes, Archie loves a cuddle. It was so nice yesterday having him snoozing in bed again. I love his ears too, i think he must have had an uncle who was a bat lol. I’m really glad I’ve found this site as I’m still so scared but it feels like a real community. Archie sends his regards and says he’s glad to be home after staying with family 

  • Hi Annette,

    I really hope I hear soon when radiotherapy starts and will definitely chase it up if I don’t hear in the week. You are right that worrying makes no difference, I think now of the things I used to worry about before I had cancer and it now seems so trivial!  I find sudokus also help me stay occupied but am finding it really difficult to focus on much else at the moment but hopefully once I know what’s happening with my radiotherapy I’ll settle a bit more. I will keep you posted xx

  • Good evening, I'm sure Archie loves being home with mum, getting his hugs and in his own bed, those ears really are amazing, and I'm glad he makes your life easier, our furry friends are so important to us at these difficult times, and though its not somewhere any of us would want to be, this forum is a wonderful place to belong, full of wonderful people, so you will fit in perfectly, please give Archie a cuddle for me.

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi Lovedby Archiedog, Hi, As it has been almost a week since you posted, I was wondering now that the Festive Season is passed if you had a date yet for your RT starting?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette,

    Yes, I’ve an appointment on Monday 10th Feb which is a huge relief:) I’m still scared of course but it’s good to have something to work towards now.

    clare xx

  • Hi Clare, that's wonderful to hear, having a date makes such a difference, as it's never nice not knowing, you sometimes feel forgotten, so I'm glad you have a date, and it's not too long a wait and you can maybe plan to do something knowing it won't clash with treatment, I will have everything crossed, it goes as well as hoped.

    Eddie xx