Need positive message as terrified and feel not much time left

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Hi everyone,

I’m just out of hospital having had brain lesions discovered following seizures earlier this week. I already knew I had stage 4 breast cancer with mets to ribs and lungs. I was diagnosed in May last year with lung mets after a persistent cough but somehow the brain and bone mets were missed and discovered only in the last week. I’m not sure if they’re new as I think they may have been missed on my ct scans and only spotted on the mri and bone scans I’ve had very recently. Things have been terrifying enough already but I am now beside myself with worry about the future. I’m seeing my oncologist on Thursday next week and hopefully will have a course of radiotherapy for my brain mets. It would be great if anyone with a similar diagnosis has had a positive outcome they can tell me about,  just any words of hope really would be much appreciated. I have tried to readjust to the new normal last year but this just feels like immeasurable hell following on from what has already been a horrendous time and really hope someone out there can offer some hope. Thank you. Xx

  • Hi i am sorry, you have had no replies as such, people if in the same circumstances as you might not be about.

    Could not let your, question go unanswered. 

    I have stage 4 Lung Cancer, this was from day one. I have done really well, though had a tumour removed from the Brain 30th  September, it was not showing as  a spread from the lungs, but a new primary tumour, thats why they operated, though when sent away it came back, it was from the lungs.

    Hope there is always hope, I am sorry I cannot be any more help, i wish i could.


  • Hi Ellie,

    thanks for your reply and I’m very glad you had a tumour removed. Your message has given me some hope just to hear you’re doing well. Cancer is so relentless isn’t it and this week has been such a shock for me, I’m now in limbo until treatment starts again and dreading them finding it somewhere else too. I’ve just read your profile and can see you’ve been through a lot. Can I ask were you diagnosed stage four lung in 2016? My mind is in such a muddle I can’t really read or think straight. lol! Xx

  • Yes I was,2016, ask me anything when ever you want.

    Yes i know been a long haul, I am still here,  moaning and groaning, and have no intentions of going any where Yet, if i can help it

  • Do you know what treatment you are having, once you start you will be fine i am sure, its just the thought of it.

  • I can’t tell you how happy it’s made me to hear you were diagnosed that long ago although I’m of course sorry with all you’ve been through in that time. Great that you are still here now with no intention of going anywhere yet. I think the awful thing at the moment is I had been told my treatment for my lung mets was going well and then I find out within a week I have rib and brain mets. The seizures I had on Monday were very scary for my husband who thought he was going to lose me as he was put in the family room in an and e and made to wait for news I’d come round. I remember when I was first diagnosed how scary the wait was between diagnosis and starting treatment and this feels like I’m going through it all again. You’re right that once I know what they’ll do it will hopefully calm me down and bit and give me some hope. Xx

  • I am sorry you are having to go threw this, I can not image how your husband felt, tomorrow is another day and you are here to tell the tale.

    Do not get me  wrong its been a bit of a hard road, though i am still on it, when I was diagnosed, it was going to be a good year, for my hubby and i.

    Never thought I would see any of it and I  saw all the special occasions that was within out family.

    I  am glad I replied to you.

    I went for a year, for scans on my brain, because a blip was found, I was told my  cancer with in the lungs had not broken threw,  so it must be a  new primary brain tumour, hence the operation, but it proofed not to be, and that is a question i will ask  my oncologist on Wednesday

    Only problem I recovered well from op but lost half  my vision in one eye, small price to pay.

    At times my spelling is terrible lol

  • Hello LovedbyArchiedog, I am sorry my diagnosis is different to yours, my cancer was in 13 places, and due to 17 co-morbidities i am unable to have surgery or chemo, but despite this, my last scan showed no sign of the disease except in one lymph node, mostly down to radiotherapy. my very best wishes with your radiotherapy, I will have everything crossed for the best outcome, and though it's not a place any of us want's to be, It's nice to meet you, best wishes and good luck.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Eddie,

    lovely to meet you and I’m very glad radiotherapy has worked so well for you although sorry you’ve had cancer in many places. I thought I was doing reasonably well (well for stage 4 anyway!) so this week feels such a massive setback. I also feel exhausted after the seizures though hope I start to pick up strength again over the coming days. It really helps to hear your scan showed ned except in one lymph node and I hope you continue to have good results. I have been feeling very low and scared since leaving hospital but hope I can rally round again. I’ve also been thinking having cancer in more places must mean my days are numbered even more than they were before but your message gives me a bit more hope about that as I go to sleep at night. Good luck with your future treatment too xx

  • Hi LovedbyArchiedog, and thank you, I was surprised, but delighted, how well radiotherapy worked, and I'm so sorry to hear about your seizures, and i'm not surprised they leave you exhausted, but hopefully being home and with better weather to come, a little fresh air, sunshine and light exercise will pick you up physically and emotionally, with hopefully encouraging news from your oncologist on Thursday to follow, I'm glad my post gave you a little more hope. though I think we are al stronger than we believe, and find it, when we need it most. sleep well my friend.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi LovedbyArchiedog, Sorry I’m late in replying but it has been a busy few days. I was diagnosed straight to Stage4 Melanoma which had spread to Lymph Nodes, chest abdomen & pelvis. Then a PET scan revealed I had multiple tumours in my arm and without getting a pin from shoulder to elbow, I would loose the use of my arm. That was all in 2013 and against all odds, here I still am! I always say “where there’s Life  there’s Hope! They are developing new drugs for different cancers on a daily basis. I went on a Trial Drug that proved to be the miracle I was looking for. I hope your miracle is just around the corner! Good luck seeing your Oncologist on Thursday and I hope you get a Plan of Action for your treatment. I think it is the not knowing that is worse than anything and no one wants to be in Limbo, we all want something to fight with. Let us know how you get on and what your treatment plan will be!

    Hi Ellie, Good luck for Wednesday and I hope you know what questions you want answered. Please keep in touch!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!