Feeling like it's the end

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Had a worlwind couple of months. So many things have happened. I had a catheter fitted because I couldn't wee and thought the tumour had grown over the opening. After a few days the catheter killed and I had what felt like a water infection.  After a lot of messing around in hospital the catheter was taken out and I went home with water coming through and it continued okay for a day then today it is not coming through as much.  On top of that the other opening for my bowels is dodgy, Got the feeling I needed to go but nothing came.  So what next. it was thought the catheter hurt because the tumour was pushing it.  So near what will be my last Christmas I don't want to be in hospital.  On top of that because of degenerative changes with the cancer making it worse my head is dropping  forward. When I get a bit tired it is very hard to hold it up.  I am praying I manage to wee and poo tonight. Don't like being admitted on a weekend as not enough people around and everything is rushed.  Honestly if a pill was available to  put me to sleep I would take it as all I can see is more pain and anxiety. This tumour is horrendous.


  • Morning Julie, I hope you managed to relieve yourself last night, I know how awful it is not to be able to go, as is being in hospital at weekends, especially at Christmas, where I am as I post this, but sometimes hospital is the best place to be, I have read some of your earlier posts and understand the down times you talk about, but I also see the strength you have to get through them, and the wise words you have shared with others, your an amazing lady who's been dealt an awful hand. but we both have family to help us along.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi  

    I'm very sorry to read of all that's been happening for you. It sounds like a difficult situation. I hope you are able to find some relief, even if that is in hospital. I know it's not where you want to be at this time of year but i hope they will be able to make you more comfortable. I'm thinking of you.

    A x

  • Hi JKG, I realise you are not in a good place right now but just remember as well as getting worse, things can quickly improve.     I must tell you, I have had a few Christmases I felt would be my last and honestly never thought of the pill you talk about as every extra minute I can have with my family, I want! Also I wouldn’t want to go at this time of year as I feel everything feels exaggerated during the Festive Season.

    I hope and pray things will start to change for the better and you get home in time for Christmas and you are here for a good few christmases to come! As Eddie has said, you are strong and probably stronger than you think. You CAN do this!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Eddie, I just read this. What has been happening, why were/are you in hospital??

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Firstly Merry Christmas to everyone. Luckily I have been going to toilet both ways so it was probably a water infection all along. Cancer seems to have taken a grip in the bottom of my spine. Woke me up so just rubbed Ibuprofen gel across the area in the hope it will help.  I have been offered cannabis but don't know about it apart from it illegal. A y thought on that please.


  • Good morning JKG, and a belated happy Christmas to you, and glad to hear your going to the loo ok, cannabis oil CBT, is not illegal for medical use, just be careful where you source it, yourGP or pharmacist mayhelp, like you my cancer is in my lower lumber region, and at times causes bowel issues, I bleed pretty much all the time due to RT damage and fissures, but find, smaller regular meals, regulating my laxatives, plenty of water and a mug of molasses every other day keeps me regular,


  • Hi JKG, Hope you had a lovely Christmas. Before I take any sort of add on meds, I always ask my GP or oncologist if it is ok. What you don’t want to do is interfere with what you are already taking and even a herbal medicine can do more harm than good.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I feel the same way about having a pill to take. My experience over the last few weeks has been different to yours and, frankly, not half as bad as yours sounds. I’ve got terminal lung cancer and a cancerous lymph node in my neck which makes me cough almost none stop. I feel very nauseous all the time and haven’t eaten anything for four days. I’d just like it all to end now.  Shall we go together? Wouldn’t that be nice. 

  • Hi Jkg, your last post sounded more positive than your previous, I hope that you are more comfortable now. Best wishes 


  • H

    I had the catheter removed and felt much better straight away. I managed for a few days but then had terrible backache. The Community Nurse came round to do a bladder scan and found I had over a litre of water inside 

     We decided to put the catheter back in. Nurse did a good job as it felt fine. I have persevered with it and feel fine   I just need a calm stable few weeks now. 



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