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  • 20 subscribers

I had a hysterectomy in July 21 for a cancerous fibroid which turned out to be leiomyosarcoma stage 1b. In February this year mets were found on my psaos muscle in my pelvis and my iliac artery. I was told that they were inoperable. I also have non alcoholic cirrhosis (I have never really drank alcohol). I started doxorubicin in April and after the three doses my CT scan showed that both mets have doubled in size. I’m devastated as are my family. I’m starting Gem Tax in two weeks and hoping for a better outcome. 

  • Hi Deborino,  I was so sorry to read the latest news. I also have non alcoholic cirrhoses of the liver. I do hope your new treatment works for you.

    Can I ask what your Title "ULMS" means please? Keep in touch and keep us posted please.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That is devastating news Deborino. I’m so sorry you are facing this. I hope there is something that can be done to keep you as pain free as possible and control the symptoms. Is that what Gem Tax does? I’ve not heard of that before.

     Can we call you Debs? 

  • FormerMember

    Welcome to the incurables group  . I know you will find support and friendship here. We have a book club, art group, baking and gardening threads. There's always someone around if you need a chat.

    A x

  • Thank you for your encouraging words. You can certainly call me Debs. I look really well although I don’t always feel it so it’s hard to think that I’m incurable. 

  • That’s how I feel too Debs. It’s hard to remember that but I suppose that’s a good thing. Keeps us looking forward.

    Jac x

  • What is ULMS please Debs? I’m assuming it’s short for your diagnosis 

    Jac x

  • Uterine leiomyosarcoma. It’s a very rare, very aggressive cancer. 

  • Thanks for explaining, sounds nasty. I do hope the Gem Tax works for you. 
    love Jac x

  • The problem with the cirrhosis is that a lot of trials won’t take you. I also found out that I have Gilbert’s syndrome which increases my bilirubin which then impacts on how much chemo I can have. I fell last week and really hurt my knee which is already shot with osteoarthritis. I’m having to take painkillers which then affects my liver. Do you take any pain medication? X