I know when it starts now!

  • 12 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hi everyone. Went to hospital today to get my mask made,scan,blood test and date for starting. They were lovely to Wife and me. So my radio/chemotherapy starts on 22 February. My steroids are being cut back gradually now too. Hopefully my muscle aching and breathlessness will ease. So no more to say, got to keep my head straight emotionally,and get my body fit.  Xx

  • We always say the same thing on here because it is appropriate.... onwards and upwards. good luck Mumf.

  • As already been said, onwards and upwards, is the way forward, your a very positive person, and you will do this, xxx

  • Good to have your dates and a plan, cherish yourself and your wife x


  • My wife is my priority. I met a gent yesterday with exactly my problem. He is further forward than me ,and there’s little more treatment he can have sadly. However,we spoke the same language about our attitudes! My wife spoke to his,and they exchanged numbers and have Facebook each other,as they too,spoke the same. In ten minutes. That tells a tale about really being up against a problem . Nice people. Truly. 

    I’ve spent a lot of time getting things sorted for my wife. Maintenance, and manual work,whilst I can. Then assets like insurance,pensions,a new will and the like. That gives me calmness . When the treatment hits me,I can concentrate on that then. 

    that’s my moaning over! Have a good day if you can everyone. Xx

  • Please moan whenever you want, people need to realise this is where you unload some of your woes.

    You sound like you have this nailed, I'm well impressed.. 

  • It is so good to see that your wife has connected with someone who is going through the same thing as her.  I often think about how many people I have connected with, who I wouldn’t of done if it wasn’t for my diagnoses. Like this site, the friends I have made. 

    It does do you good to get things in order. As hard as it does feel doing it, you feel relieved when it is done, then just forget about it, once it’s done you never have to think about it again x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Please don’t be impressed. I am just fighting. Got to. But that’s me ,I guess ,just my way. Thanks everyone for being here too. It means a lot and has made a big difference to my attitude. Xxx

  • Don't belittle yourself  , you are looking after yourself and your loved ones, good work xx


  • Hi. Sorry it’s been awhile. No belittling Salis. I am just dealing with everything day by day. X

  • Nice to see you have popped in.

    Day by Day is the best way, xxx