Incurable Cancer in Womb and Lymph Nodes - prognosis "is terrible"

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I've recently had surgery for cancer in my womb and lymph nodes.  My original Consultant was on holiday when the operation was scheduled, so it was performed by his colleague.  I only met the replacement Consultant 2 hours before surgery, and he dropped the bombshell that it was an incurable cancer.  He visited me several times while I was still in hospital (9 days) and told me that the cancer would return, at the moment I will soon be having radiotherapy to hopefully kill off any remaining cells following the operation.

I am limited in what treatment I can have as I have heart failure, and stage 4 kidney failure, although the Oncologist did mention the possibility of some sort of hormone treatment in the future.

I have been working hard at keeping a positive outlook.  However, yesterday I was looking at my Patient Record online, and saw a letter from the Consultant to my GP, which had not been cc'd to me.  It described my prognosis as "terrible" and states that "she is not likely to survive this cancer".  It all sounded a but brutal, compared to what I had been told previously, I guess that when they're talking professional to professional they don't need to sugar coat anything.

I'm in shock, as the picture is a bit worse than I imagined.  Need to re-evaluate and get back on track to have a positive mindset - which is very hard sometimes!