Incurable Cancer in Womb and Lymph Nodes - prognosis "is terrible"

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  • 31 subscribers

I've recently had surgery for cancer in my womb and lymph nodes.  My original Consultant was on holiday when the operation was scheduled, so it was performed by his colleague.  I only met the replacement Consultant 2 hours before surgery, and he dropped the bombshell that it was an incurable cancer.  He visited me several times while I was still in hospital (9 days) and told me that the cancer would return, at the moment I will soon be having radiotherapy to hopefully kill off any remaining cells following the operation.

I am limited in what treatment I can have as I have heart failure, and stage 4 kidney failure, although the Oncologist did mention the possibility of some sort of hormone treatment in the future.

I have been working hard at keeping a positive outlook.  However, yesterday I was looking at my Patient Record online, and saw a letter from the Consultant to my GP, which had not been cc'd to me.  It described my prognosis as "terrible" and states that "she is not likely to survive this cancer".  It all sounded a but brutal, compared to what I had been told previously, I guess that when they're talking professional to professional they don't need to sugar coat anything.

I'm in shock, as the picture is a bit worse than I imagined.  Need to re-evaluate and get back on track to have a positive mindset - which is very hard sometimes! 

  • Its appalling that you should discover news this way, absolutely appalling. Whatever happened to honest patient to doctor conversations. Did it not occur to drs that patient access means just that.? 

  • Hi, over the rainbow, I have just read you thread, how dare they write that without informing you first, absolutely disgusting if a comment was made about me without informing me first I would give the person who sent the letter HELL.

    If you don't complain they will think that kind of behaviour is ok.

    My prayers go with you Ulls 

  • I think this is an awful way to get that new. Report  them to Pals at your hospital. Next time you see the writer give him hell !! xx

  • I did wonder if Senior Consultants are somewhat removed from the basic processes, and he didn't realise that his reply would be uploaded electronically to the records which I can access. 

  • On reflection, I have suffered from severe anxiety and depression for several years, so maybe the Consultant was trying to "soften" the news when he speaks to me, so the severity of my situation didn't really register with me.  I haven't had my follow appointment yet, so will see what he says then.  I don't think it helped, switching to a different Consultant at the point of operation, as they both have different ways of addressing things. 

  • Hi ,. You dont need more stress and change, and complaining etc jut takes the focus away from what this is really about - your future. The words may have been a bit brutal but you need to understand exactly what is happening. Please do remember tht prognosis is still more of an art than a science, and having a treatment plan is good.  Good luck in getting information and hopefully some ideas of the way ahead. xx

  • Hi Over the Rainbow,

    You have a lot to deal with, but your posts suggest that you want to focus on the positive, so the mention of different options for treatment sounds like a good start.

    Have you made a list of questions for your follow up appointment? It might be worth asking about the different messages you have received verbally and online, as well as discussing the treatment options. If you are able to have someone with you at the appointment too, it may be helpful to have another pair of ears there as there will be a lot of information to take in.

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Sarah

    Thank you for the suggestions.  My sister usually comes with me to appointments, as you say it is very useful to have somebody else who can maybe absorb more information than I would.  I will also make a list of questions.

  • Hello, I've only just seen your post and can well imagine the state of mind this has put you in. However, as hard as this is, try to concentrate on your future and getting to understand your options. Please don't write yourself off. These prognosis are guesswork. I have the same cancer. Ask to see a copy of the histology report and ask what sort of tumour you have. Tell them you want to know about immunotherapy options. Find out if your tumour is a type that may respond. Write everything down and ask for explanations.

    You are on a journey with all this. Don't go thinking that you're about to reach the end. Sending you hugs. Rainie x

  • Hi Over the rainbow, it's been a while since I dropped in onto your thread, has speaking to the members helped you, I hope you are feeling a bit better with your mind set I know it takes time but you can do it, it's not how much life we have it's how we live it, consultant's are human and can only give you their best guess.

    All the best Ulls