How much morphine?

  • 15 replies
  • 23 subscribers
  • Have had a week crying in pain waiting for my appointment today but nearly cried when there was no real help. Basically I have a bad pain!  So I've to take morphine. I've been told to record my 4 hourly intake and up it until it works. I have slow release, 12 hourly 10mg/5ml so keep taking that. Then to add spoonfuls of morphine 4 hourly.  I'm up to 2 5ml spoons and there's no difference to the pain  I couldn't get the doctor to give an indication of what to expect only that I can't really overdose. Anyone have any experience? Best wishes everyone.
  • I have stage 4 in my breast, skull hip and femur.  When I asked for pain relief I was offered morphine, which I refused. I take a high dose of co-codomol 60/500 every 4 hours. This takes the edge off the pain, and makes it bearable. Maybe you might be able to get some from your GP to see if it works.

    Take care xxx

  • Hi Cindy. Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Do you know what hurts/where your pain is and why? I have tumours in my kidney, lungs and skull. I had a small tumour in my pelvis but we think that one has healed over. My current pain isn't any of those places! I'm waiting (always waiting!) to speak to the Macmillan nurse and I like your idea about co-codamol. Thank you for the help. Take care x

  • Hi,

    I only had my first Chemo on Monday & Tuesday, but the pain is starting in my breast, at the front.  Also under my arm where they took the node biopsy from.

    The pain in my hip seems to be responding well to the co-codomol.

    Reading what you have been saying you are being left to your devices, and not getting much help.

    I think you will have to get on to your nurse again, theu should be there to support you.

    Take care. xx

  • Do you have access to a palliative care team? They are the ones that have helped me most with pain relief. The consultant decides the medication then the nurse rings me to see how it's going, whether it needs to change again then when I'm happy and have good relief from the pain I have free access to contact them whenever I need too.

    I do hope you get some help as pain is the most draining thing

  • Hi, my friend was prescribed tramadol, 60/500mg of cocodamol, and naproxen for an anti inflammatory which she said left her a bit wappy but controlled the pain. She also cautioned to drink heaps of water as the codeine can cause constipation, she takes an occasional laxative to combat this. 

    The palliative care team are all about pain relief and I agree with Elliekate, they are really knowledgeable about all the pain meds.

    I hope you have some relief soon.

  • Hi Kiwigal. That's really interesting about the tramadol etc. I don't think morphine is right for this. Waiting for the macmillan nurse to answer my message so I will ask her. Much appreciated and thanks again

  • Hi Cindy. Sounds like your treatment is moving quickly and sounds like they are on top of it. I'm not goid at knowing who to speak to and I hadn't thought of the macmillan nurse as a specific help for pain relief. They have tended to be more on the touchy feely side I thought but I've probably got that wrong too! I need to learn to ask for help. My fingers are crossed for your chemo. Take care x

  • No problem hope they get the pain down for you. It makes everything harder to cope with when you've hurting. I'm sure macmillan will have a cunning plan.

  • Hope so! They didn't answer my message and they're not back til Tuesday so I'm stuck til gthen at least!

  • Hi, not sure where you are in the world but Southampton have an emergency 24 hr Oncology telephone number and I reckon that unmanageable pain would come under that. They have oncologist they can ask and perhaps could send an electronic prescription to your pharmacy to pick up tomorrow. Hope you have something similar where you are. Bollocks to waiting if your in severe pain.