2 shocks in one week….

  • 21 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Evening all, hope you’re enjoying thie beautiful weather! 

I’ve been on a phased return to work this past 4 weeks doing mornings 3 days per week which gave me a day to recover in between. This last week I’d agreed with HR to do every day (mornings) to test myself, but also I knew the Easter holidays were coming up so I could rest.

By Thursday I felt so exhausted I reluctantly called the doctor once I’d got to work thinking maybe I’d get some antibiotics. I have only just recovered from pneumonitis 4 weeks previous.

After describing my symptoms she told me to go straight to A&E and they admitted me after assessment, X-ray and bloods. I was not expecting that.

Then yesterday morning when the doctors did their rounds, an oncologist came to see me who’d requested the results of my CT scan I’d had on Wed evening at my usual cancer hospital as he wanted to compare it with the X-ray asked if I wanted him to give me the results or wait for my team and naturally I said yes I’d like him to. 

I have gone from having metastasis head & neck to lung and chest and now it is in my liver. I was trying to be brave & hold back the tears. I know the inevitable will happen at some stage but I’m not ready for this all again. It seems like it’s battle after battle. Anyway I’m hoping to go home tomorrow as I’ve responded to the intravenous antibiotics and am feeling a lot better. Nothing like your own bed to finish off the healing process.
I’ll be back when I learn from my team with what, how & when can we deal this next shitty bump in the road!

little-fi xx

  • You have faced some obstacles little-fi, give this latest troublemaker the Soldiers Farewell. That is to tell it to FO.

    Do as you said, home to rest ready for the plan. Have a cry, better out than in. Xxx

  • oh that's pants - I feel for you :-(

  • Thanks Ted, it’s so hard for others around you. I’m sick of giving them bad news. I haven’t heard of the soldiers farewell! I shall do just that.

    Hope all is going ok with you. Hugging

  • Sorry to hear that, I truly understand how hard that hits, we get stable we put cancer in the back of the cupboard and get on with life then one pain & one scan later cancer is back on the mantle piece front and centre again.   Hope they get you back stable again asap. 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Sorry to hear your news i hope everything works out for you huge hugs xxx

  • Hey littlefi. That is a rotten turn of events to deal with but regroup yourself and gather your strength again. Never mind work. Put yourself front and centre and get yourself up to speed with the new developments. Sending you much love. I look forward to hearing that your team have a new plan in place and that there is a way ahead . Hugs. Rainie x 

  • Thanks everyone, it’s good to let off steam here, you all get! Xx

  • Hi ,

    It was exhaustion that sent me to the doctors 4.5 years ago, and it was liver mets causing it and at the same time they found bone and  lung mets My point being that it is not great news but dont despair and you can get over this next "shitty bump in the road". Glad you are feeling better and hopefully will be home soon. You dont have to be brave and hold back the tears, they need release, so let them out and then get back to living with a new reality, and hopefully with a new plan in place.


  • Hi little-fi

    Really sorry to hear that.  That’s really tough to deal with but hopefully your team can work out a new plan for you which gives you a way forward.

    Nigel xx