2 shocks in one week….

  • 21 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Evening all, hope you’re enjoying thie beautiful weather! 

I’ve been on a phased return to work this past 4 weeks doing mornings 3 days per week which gave me a day to recover in between. This last week I’d agreed with HR to do every day (mornings) to test myself, but also I knew the Easter holidays were coming up so I could rest.

By Thursday I felt so exhausted I reluctantly called the doctor once I’d got to work thinking maybe I’d get some antibiotics. I have only just recovered from pneumonitis 4 weeks previous.

After describing my symptoms she told me to go straight to A&E and they admitted me after assessment, X-ray and bloods. I was not expecting that.

Then yesterday morning when the doctors did their rounds, an oncologist came to see me who’d requested the results of my CT scan I’d had on Wed evening at my usual cancer hospital as he wanted to compare it with the X-ray asked if I wanted him to give me the results or wait for my team and naturally I said yes I’d like him to. 

I have gone from having metastasis head & neck to lung and chest and now it is in my liver. I was trying to be brave & hold back the tears. I know the inevitable will happen at some stage but I’m not ready for this all again. It seems like it’s battle after battle. Anyway I’m hoping to go home tomorrow as I’ve responded to the intravenous antibiotics and am feeling a lot better. Nothing like your own bed to finish off the healing process.
I’ll be back when I learn from my team with what, how & when can we deal this next shitty bump in the road!

little-fi xx

  • Thanks OBS, I'm sure I will get over this and deal with it the way I have with everything that has gone on before. I was just feeling poorly then hearing that on top just really upset me. I lost my brother in 2017 to liver cancer and everything he went through all came flooding back. He was only 51.

    Thanks for your words of wisdom, I will be in a better place once I've seen my team and know what's what.

    Wishing you well. xx

  • Thanks for your support Nigel, xx

  • Oh no, that's how it goes, you think you go back to a bit normal and work and then BANG...i hope the rt will work and there may be something else they can do. Sending best wishes and a hug. 

  • Oh little-fi I am so sorry to hear your rubbish news! I hope you are feeling better after the antibiotics and you can go home today. 

    Hopefully you can see your team soon and find out the next plan of action. Sending you a hug, xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi little-fi, sorry to hear your news, when your hit with vad news it knocks you side ways. Once your antibiotics kick in and your home, get the new treatment plan you'll get on top of big C again there are new treatments and trials about. Good luck, thinking of you. Plenty of hugs X

  • Life can be so sh**ty. I feel for you. Good to hear you're feeling a lot better and able to go home.

    Hopefully your team comes up with a good plan to get over this hurdle.

    Sending hugs, Barb xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi little-fi

    That's a crappy bit of news to deal with. Hope you're continuing to feel better with the antibiotics.

    Christine x

  • Hi little-fi, I have just caught up with your bad news, so sorry to hear it. I hope that you are getting a good plan together with your team.

    Best wishes 


  • Hi all, I had bloods done and a review with my nurse and oncologist on Thursday. They went through the result of the CT scan explaining I'll need an MRI to confirm that the 3 lesions in my liver are in fact cancer as they suspect. I will then start 6 cycles of chemo.as long as I can tolerate the side effects. The scary bit was he said my life expectancy will be on average around 3 months after treatment has finished. I can't comprehend that at all at this moment. He did give me some hope as another patient, who was on the same trial as me and also had to stop the immunotherapy, is responding well to chemo.

    So, there is always hope and I'm not one to just give up! I know many of you have gone past your sell by dates and that is just fantastic! The worst bit of all of this is seeing how upset my family have taken this news. It all of a sudden hits you when you say it out loud.

    I haven't told all of my family & friends yet as it's too exhausting emotionally. I still need time to get my head around it even though I was told when mets went to my lung 2 years ago that I had a 75% chance of popping off within that time frame. It didn't seem real then either.

    Thanks for your support everyone.

    Fiona xx

  • Hello Fiona, Yes, it must feel like getting to grips with it all, again. Wearying to contemplate. I think that I would be resolved and encouraged to think that I had another plan to work with. This is what is in front of you. Stick to the task in hand. I would try to get to grips with it like that. As before, this prognosis I would take with a pinch of salt in light of how many treading the path before me had shrugged that off.

    We will all be sending you our love and support and willing that new chemo to hammer those lesions. You triumphed before and it can happen again. Keep strong. Arms around you.  Rainie x