“A SiT’s Progress”

  • 369 replies
  • 30 subscribers

My apologies for my recent absence from our little community – there are two reasons.

Firstly, I was quite deeply offended at the recent unnecessarily heavy-handed manner in which the powers that be dealt with our “offensive” behaviour – I think they maybe should recognise the specific circumstances that bring us together in this place and cut us a little slack…

Secondly, whilst all of that palava was unfolding, I was also going thru the Scanxiety nightmare of my 9 month test & scans and whilst the CT Thorax/Abdo/Pelvis report was Stable Mable, the CT Brain reported 3 mets which, as many of you know, in late-stage SCLC usually signifies the beginning of the end…

And so it probably is but my Oncs are not letting me go without a proper “tear-up” as the proposed new treatment is RT Brain (planning session next Weds at CUH), followed by a second go on the original chemo of Carboplatin/Etopside (which apparently is effective at crossing the brain/body threshold) and continuing with the Atezolizumab. He even said that there are “other” possible treatments after that…

It is quite interesting in that SCLC is usually not treated with Atezo and coupled with the incredible response since diagnosis, my onc said that all normal bets are off because this is new territory, even for them… We’ll see…

Much Love & Huge Hugs

Stay Strong


  • Busy week when you'll be taking a kicking from the vaccine. Get plenty of rest. I had my second this afternoon, but I've got nothing to do all week until the IPL starts on Friday. 

    Bloody snowing like the clappers here. 

  • You sound a bit ungrateful to me. Popcorn and I have plenty more things to be doing with our time rather than making sure you are doing what the doctor ordered. You will miss us both if we leave it up to you. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Galilee

    T’was snowing here too today.  I had the 2nd dose of the vaccine on 1st and haven’t felt too clever since.  Let’s hope it doesn’t take too long before the symptoms wear off.

  • Hi Maz glad you've had your 2nd vaccine and hope the after effects don't last long! 

    SiT Good luck with your scans, everything crossed for positive results! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Thx Matron & all for the lovely messages... Well... most! Hahahaha

  • Good luck with the scan SiT, hope you don’t have to wait too long for the results. 

    Glad you got the 2nd vaccine done. There was a fire at the surgery today where they are doing our local vaccines, so I’m not sure when I will get my 2nd now. Thankfully no one was hurt, but there is a very large whole in the roof. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Thx Chelle

  • FormerMember

    2 down & 1 to go! If you don't count waiting for results... (yeah... right!!!)

    2nd jab done on Tues with only sore entry point again, just had CT Brain & then Ct Thorax/Abdo/Pelvis & Onc is on leave so no results til next week at the earliest...

    18th Atezo tm lunchtime - Yaaaayyyy!!!!

    Does cancer leave you breathless too???? Hahahaha!!

  • No wonder your onc is on leave, he must be desperate to put you to rights just to get some respite. He is probably risking the 5k fine and is on a plane to a anywhere now to get some rest!

    Don't post on here next week unless its good news, which it will be, you are stressing us all out! Popcorn agrees with me on that.

  • Do you have contrast for the brain CT? Does it make your head feel like it's wet itself?