“A SiT’s Progress”

  • 369 replies
  • 30 subscribers

My apologies for my recent absence from our little community – there are two reasons.

Firstly, I was quite deeply offended at the recent unnecessarily heavy-handed manner in which the powers that be dealt with our “offensive” behaviour – I think they maybe should recognise the specific circumstances that bring us together in this place and cut us a little slack…

Secondly, whilst all of that palava was unfolding, I was also going thru the Scanxiety nightmare of my 9 month test & scans and whilst the CT Thorax/Abdo/Pelvis report was Stable Mable, the CT Brain reported 3 mets which, as many of you know, in late-stage SCLC usually signifies the beginning of the end…

And so it probably is but my Oncs are not letting me go without a proper “tear-up” as the proposed new treatment is RT Brain (planning session next Weds at CUH), followed by a second go on the original chemo of Carboplatin/Etopside (which apparently is effective at crossing the brain/body threshold) and continuing with the Atezolizumab. He even said that there are “other” possible treatments after that…

It is quite interesting in that SCLC is usually not treated with Atezo and coupled with the incredible response since diagnosis, my onc said that all normal bets are off because this is new territory, even for them… We’ll see…

Much Love & Huge Hugs

Stay Strong


  • Hmmm i may should change your feed?? What about some ice cream? As it is hot here ( 33 ) today

  • Oh Pet, this is going to cause SiT so much distress. You have a good slurp, mint choc chip for choice, you describe it then I will imagine what it tastes like. 33 degrees, put me down for that as well please. This is like a rude experience. Eat your heart out SiT!

  • Hi SiT,

    I wasn't on here for a while either and have been catching up on some of the posts here and there. I'm sorry to see you are going through this but love your attitude towards it. Keep up the positivity and above all the humour!  Hoping the treatment isn't too unpleasant for you.

    All the best

    Fi x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to little-fi

    Thx Fi - all going surprisingly (???) well so far... Although what was left of my hair (really not much...) has started to fall out now... I'm going to "Cancer Chic" it out!!! Hahahaha!

    5th session tm lunchtime and every day this week then the last one next Monday and infusion on the Thursday - busy cancer week or two!!!

    Stay Strong All

  • FormerMember

    Here is the WBRT face mask...

    It’s a whole “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” deal if you ask me...

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Wow that is scary but if it helps to keep you going then it’s amazing x. 

  • Hi SiT, Just wanted to wish you luck. How did the infusion go? Was it last Thursday or is it this week!

    Funnily I searched the replies for Norberry saying your "mask" would be an improvement but it wasn't there! I think he may be worried about you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hahaha Maz!!! Gotta tell ya it scared the uknowhat out of me... (& to be fair - it still does!)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Next atezo on Thurs so that's all good...

    I rather think La Norbette has banished the Norbmeister outside to the Doghouse after his "Pink Rolls Royce & Ladies, Ladies & More Ladies" comment...

    &, in all honesty, it almost certainly IS an improvement... Hahahaha!!! No, REALLY...

  • Hi SiT 

    I haven’t been on here for a while and am so sorry you are having such a rough time but I can see you have all the right tools in place to deal with it. So many friends here, the mask and I have seen your three good things post!

    Good luck
