New start!

  • 13 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi folks

This is my first post using my new username. I was given the nickname Puddock by Eddiel many moons ago, so I've decided it should be my new username. Unfortunately, I lost Candy a few days ago after a short illness, so it felt too upsetting to be known as Candysmum. She was a lovely companion for nearly 13 years, and had a fantastic life living here, with beaches and forests to run in. I hope to find a new companion older dog needing a new home. Otherwise, I won't get any exercise!

Best wishes to everyone


  • Hi puddock 

    I am so sorry to hear about candy , sending you lots of hugs and love x x 

  • Sorry to hear about Candy, hoping you are ok x

  • Hi Coddfish

    Thanks for your good wishes. Yes, it still feels very strange, and I don't like being in the house much. I'm OK, and am functioning, but get very tearful at the drop of a hat! That isn't like me at all, and I hardly ever cry. 

    I know it will get easier, just have to put my brave face on!

    xxx Kate

  • Hi Puddock, sorry missed this earlier, I still remember when we lost our Welsh collie scamp when I was 10. They think, dream and are above all loyal companions. Hope you find a new friend very soon.

    Patrick xx

  • Hi Puddock,

    I'm so sorry to hear about Candy.

    As I've said before, I'm a long time lurker on here and I know how much she meant to you.

    It's ok to grieve. She was family. Console yourself with the fact that you gave her a wonderful life and she gave you so much more in return.

    I've been there. It does get easier but it takes a while.

    My sister recently had to put her eleven year old Springer Spaniel to sleep as he had a throat tumour which was untreatable. She had raised him from a puppy. She was devastated. She cried non stop for the first week and still has moments where she cries when she is reminded of him.

    It is almost three years since she had to put her other Springer Spaniel to sleep. He was older and she knew that it was time as he was in poor health but this one was totally unexpected. He only became ill after Christmas.She is adamant that she is not getting another dog but we'll see.

    Take care,

    Lots of love,


  • Hi   I am so sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you are feeling, we lost our little Bella on the 6th Feb, and I haven’t stopped crying since. We brought home a little puppy last Friday, and although he is occupying my time, I am still crying for my loss of Bella. I am hoping our new pup will help with the grief, and my husband keeps telling me that Bella has brought him to us, but I would do anything to have Bella back. 
    Sending you hugs, don’t feel like you have to put the brave face on, it’s ok to cry, Candy will stay in your heart forever x 

    “Try to be a rainbow, in somebody else's cloud” ~ Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hello Helen

    Thanks for your compassionate reply!

    Yes, it is always a wrench when we have to say goodbye to our pets. I've always had dogs in my life, and their endings don't get any easier to bear!

    Candy was going to be my last fact, I expected her to outlive me, and my constant worry after my cancer diagnosis was how to re-home her as an older dog.

    Funnily enough, she had exactly the same problem as your sister's dog. She was only ill for a couple of weeks. I am so thankful that I had her as a companion! 

    Her ashes will be scattered on her favourite walk soon. Bless her!

    xxxx Kate

    PS Why did you lurk for so long???

  • Hello Chelle

    Thanks for your lovely message!

    I'm so glad you have a new puppy to keep you on your toes. 

    A new dog can never replace Bella in your just need to let him squeeze in too! There's always room for one more.

    I don't envy you the house-training though! Wink

    xxx Kate

  • Hi again!

    This lunchtime, I received a beautiful card in the post, from the vet! She has written a lovely message in it, and included a packet of forget me not seeds, to scatter in Candy's memory. So touched! 

    The seeds will be going in my husband's garden, which she shared with his dogs. 

    Thanks to everyone who has replied to this thread. I really appreciate your support.

    xxxx Kate

  • So sorry darling. I lost Megan during lockdown...soul destroying..but I have a new puppy, Phoebe to help with my rehab

    Hugest hugs