Lovely morning chit-chat thread- March 2025

  • 107 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Morning all, Just setting up a new chat thread for March. If you want to catch up on February's chat you can click here but it will be closed. 

The chit chat thread is for:

"Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment."

  • I was just wondering, is there anybody on this chat who is still working?

    Lee 2 x

  • Good afternoon 

    It is really nice to read about bee keeping , allotment, crochet, horse riding, and fur friends etc on the chats. So interesting! I have not done much today as feeling quite tired. 
    I have rearranged my flowers from pic 1

    To pic 2 

    Actually aesthetically just one half of the flower would be more pleasing but I don’t want to waste all the flowers. 
    what do you think? Which is your favourite? 

  • Number One for me, though nice to see your arrangments. 

  • I am to old to work now.

    Though people do work with cancer, all depends what work you do, and how your cancer is effecting you.

    My daughter went back to work though only part time, and a work place, has to  acuminated yours needs, as comes under the Disability Act 

  • Hi Ellie, the first time I had cancer I went back to work but I think I went back too early.  This time I cannot sit at my desk for long periods or even get out of bed before 10 as I am so tired.

    Hi Stella,  number one for me too.  You are very talented and the flowers are beautiful.

    Lee2 x

  • Hi Lee 2, I know a few of us do volunteer work, and I think 1 or 2 work part time, but I'm struggling to remember if anyone still manages a full time job, certainly none of us who have been on here for over a year, maybe one of our new friends might, why not start a new thread and ask the question.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Stella, No 1 for me, but I'm a little old fashioned, I would still be happy with No2, and I agree it's nice to talk about hobbies and pastimes,

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Eddie, what part time work do you do?

    Lee2 x

  • Couple  of years ago, there was a thread, and that was the topic,

    Perhaps another one should be started, and people that are not on the chit chat, will be able to join.

  • Chit chat is brilliant Ellie, we can talk about anything can't we, unless it's too specific?

    Patrick xx