Lovely morning chit-chat thread - February 2025

  • 157 replies
  • 54 subscribers

We've officially entered February, new thread as kindly requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Hi Angie

    Sorry to hear your blood is still not right. Can they give any injections to boost the blood? 
    Sending you lots of love 

    Stella & Winston. 

  • Thankyou Stella for your post most times I seem to just go Along day by day I am still at the up and down stage but will Take heart at what you say every day has a positive if I look for it Slight smile have a good day x Chris 

  • Hi Stella, nope my suppressed immune system is the reason for the low count. It sometimes takes an extra week or two to go up after the 3 week tablets cycle. It just makes you very fatigued. Winston is looking so lovely, his long distance girlfriend is actually out for a bit now, so photo at a later time. 

    love to everyone Angie and Lilly xx 

  • Hi

    i had my day at the hospital. The good news is I definitely don’t need a kidney stent for the kidney stone. The urologist said it mostly likely would have passed by now. If it is still there at my next CT scan then he will removed it easily and that is it! He said stem is a terrible thing for patients and cause lots of pain and discomfort. 
    Why my NHS hospital insisted on me having a stent urgently instead, I don’t know. Glad I am seeing the urologist privately and have a much better option instead. 

  • Glad it was good news . X 

  • Hi Stella,  glad you got positive news.  I heard kidney stones are so painful.  It is a sunny day here but really cold.  I am just getting enough energy to get my bum out of bed and take my dogs for a walk.  Hope everyone has a good and positive day.

    Lee x

  • Good morning beautiful sunny day but cold  here in wales . Have a good day everyone not decided what to do yet but will need to make the most of the day x Chris 

  • Morning All

    Yes  Bright, Dry, and   Sunny here as well.

    Gas Engineer in at 8am, have heating been broke since Sunday. Happy Days.

    Today is a me day, treatment finished. 3 long long days, but had to be done.

    Any One with Appointments hope they go well and are positive.

    Make the most off  your day.

  • Good evening 

    I had a nice day out at the local hospice. I had music therapy which was fun. Then a chat with the specialist nurse and decided it is too early for me to decide re resuscitation as there still a few lines of chemo treatment to go through. She said I was inspirational (LOL). Just try to live my life as well as I can be . 

    Then I received a call from the consultant urologist. He had compared my CT scan and X Ray result. He concluded that I have indeed passed my kidney stone so no further treatment was needed. He is such a nice surgeon. I had issues several years back, he called me on a Sunday morning to check in on me then. Wish all medical professional could be like him. 

    Thank Lee and Chris, how are you both doing?

    Angie hope your fatigue is getting better. Winston is still waiting for his girlfriend recent photo.


  • Hi it is good to hear your news kidney stones are incredibly painful so glad it’s gone and how good to hear about your consultant going above and beyond I’m really pleased for you and also that you had a good day otherwise . I have had a do nothing day a bit of housework and have read a book which I wanted to finish enjoy your evening and I wish you all a decent night x Chris