Lovely morning chit-chat thread - February 2025

  • 155 replies
  • 54 subscribers

We've officially entered February, new thread as kindly requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Sounds a very exhausting day Ellie, hope you are getting a rest today. How many sessions do you have to have? 
    I had my x ray done. The parking at the hospital is a complete nightmare. I was driving around 8 floors of the car park for 30mins and eventually find a space! 

    Off to London now and the trains are packed because people had vandalised the train carriages so they are running 5 carriages instead 10.  
    What are people like Worried nowadays?! 

  • Hi

    Hope your blood is Ok and you can get your chemo going this Friday. I didn’t realise that Charity receives less donations of clothes now. I just give to my local woodgreen charity shop. 
    Hope you and Lily have a relaxing day. X

  • No rest here was back again today then tomorrow.

    Its Brain Radiotherapy a higher does over a shorter period of tome

    You have a lovely break away, and it is not as cold and was quiet light coming home from London.

  • Hi Ellie, That is a lot of travelling for you but it will be worth it I’m sure.

    Hi Ulls, I hope the results are something the GP can help with, please keep us posted.

    Hi Stella, Where are you off to for your break? Hi everyone have a great day!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yesterday I attended the GPs about my fat legs, she proded and poked them and said they shouldn't be like that, took blood samples and gave me an ECG, which was ok, she then said if anything is wrong with the blood samples she'd let me know.

    Later spoke to diabetic nurse who was happy with my blood readings since commissioning of steroids, repeat blood test in May.

  • morning Ulls, good to hear your GP, is on top of things, let's hope she doesn't need to get back to you, lovely day here in Yorkshire "as always" so off out with family somewhere, 

  • Good morning 

    I had a lovely evening meal at a Spanish steak restaurant yesterday. Didn’t get home until 10pm. The meat was from a mature cow (16-18 years) and it was very tasty. 
    Back to the chemo unit today and the oncologist has reduced my dose by another 10% so I am on 80% now. It think it is about right and looking forward to have a painless cycle Slight smile

    Going to see the urologist this afternoon after my x ray yesterday  Hope he can offer something other than stent for my kidney stone  

    Very sunny and clear blue sky here. Hope everyone have a nice day x

  • Good morning all I woke this morning after not a bad nights sleep with that sinking feeling tried to count my blessings , tried breathing exercises , tried to read .. I think you get the picture well I took myself off to the sea again ! Not a particularly nice day but the sea was rough and watching the waves rolling in lifted my mood but as I watched them I was mindful of you all who are going through health challenges so when though I returned home in a better frame of mind I wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts . Here’s a picture I’m no dad was a professional photographer with the police but I didn’t get the gene . Have a good day as best you can x Chris 

  • Good afternoon Stella, so nice to hear you enjoyed yourself on your day out. I have to get my bloods done again next Tuesday as it is still low.  Hopefully next week Friday we can commence the treatment. Good luck for this afternoon’s appointment. It is a cool but sunny day here so that is lifting the spirit as always. Everyone have as good a rest of the week as is possible 

    love Angie and Lilly xxx 

  • Hi Chris 

    My psychologist said to me when you have got the incurable diagnosis , people will be on an emotional rollercoaster. You will oscillate through all stages of grief and back and forth a lot. But eventually you will come off the ride, accept your situation, and concentrate on living your life. 
    This certainly happened to me. Somehow since last week I am mentally in a very good place. The cancer no longer cast a shadow over everything and I am able to enjoy my life. 
    The same will also happen to you. It just to need to take its course. Be kind to yourself and try to plan things that you will enjoy and live the best life you can.  X