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Lovely morning chit-chat thread December 2024

  • 323 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Good Morning Stella, I am not feeling too bad this morning. Thanks for thinking of me. The anti-viral i.v. Fluids combined with i.v. Antibiotics must have done the trick. The cough has gone (hooray) and starting to have a bit more energy. Starting my chemo tablets on Saturday again and next bloods are due Hogmanay. My house is like a sub post office at the moment. My daughter from London is sending her Christmas Gifts here to me and Laura, who lives about 5 mins away by car, is posting her presents for her Husband and Children here. My son was just on the phone to see if he could send his gift for his wife here too. We have all cut down with presents outside the family. Our friends and we are all in agreement that a card will be just fine. It is not only getting so expensive but I think that Christmas has become far too commercial over the years. I enjoy most watching my grandchildren getting excited about Santa coming. Thank goodness they are all still of an age to believe. On Christmas Eve we have dinner at Laura’s and after the meal the kids and I have a hot chocolate and sit by the window and see if we can spot Santa’s sleigh in the sky. I used to do that with my 3 and we had loads of fun over the years. Hope everyone is having as good a day as possible.

    love Alana and Lilly xx

  • Hi Stella, another tool in the toolbox as we say, every possible treatment is always welcome, and good to hear about your wonderful time with friends, Oh dear the dreaded paperwork, at least it's done, and thank you for your kind words, no chemo for a year would be fab.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Angie, lovely to hear your feeling better today, and the meds have worked so well. Good your getting your strength back, hopefully it will help when you start chemo again Saturday,  will having your bloods on Hogmanay mean no celebrations, 

    So your on postal duties too my friend, I've been getting cards for my auntie's in Dorset and Fort William for years to pass on to all the relatives close by, I quite enjoy it, but don't tell them.

    Couldn't agree more Angie, Christmas is almost all a commercial exercise, which is sad, but thanks to the grandkids for reminding us what Christmas should be about, that's so beautiful you and the little ones sitting by the window looking for Santa,  who knows maybe this year you'll see him.

    love Eddie xx 

  • Hi Alana, Yes I used to do that with our children when they were young and one year when our daughter was about 4years old she said she definitely saw Santa go by and a fairy actually waved at her! lol! She still has a great imagination, as do her two daughters!

    I blame the TV for all the hype over Christmas as the adverts now start before Halloween to try to encourage children to ask Santa for all these expensive toys. There never used to be any mention of Christmas until 1st December but now by then, you are fed up listening to the same old songs.

    We all go to a Carols by Candlelight Night at the school before they stop for the holidays and the children singing always make me cry! It is a lovely night with tea & mince pies and shortbread afterwards!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good Morning All.

    An other Day is here.

    Did my tress yesterday, and wreath and all cards now written and stamped, for posting Saturday.

    Now to  tidy  up the mess I  made, carrier bags from time gone buy, with xmas as paper, more cards and what ever.

    Should be more organized though I am not, bit late to change now.

    Grey and chilly here, though the 21st b will be the shortest day, so nice thought.

    Any one with any appointment's hope they go well.

    Take Care

  • Hi Lec tomorrow soon be here, will be thinking of you and hope everything goes well.

    As Arnie would say, I will be back and when your ready, you will be.

    Take Care 

  • Wow Ellie, that was quick, all your pre Christmas tasks done, I've only given one card, though it was homemade, I'm waiting for a miserable day to make a proper start.

    I hope you've long since tidied up and are relaxing, just shopping today and ordering a few bits, weathers been ok a little sunshine but no rain, and only 1 appointment today with GP, just a review, she see's me every couple of months, just got to decide what to have for dinner, I'm counting down to the shortest day as well Ellie, roll on the days getting longer 

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Lee, wishing you all the best for tomorrow, all your friends here are thinking of you and hoping your surgery is the success everyone here is wishing for, good luck my friend.

    Eddie & Sheila

  • Good evening 

    spotting Santa with your grandchildren sounds fun Alana. NASA also has a live Santa tracker on their website. You can track Santa that way too.

    Ellie you very organised. I have not done any Christmas cards yet.

    Annette candle light carol sounds wonderful and magical.

    Lee best of wishes, you are a warrior! 

    Eddie hope you had a good today .

    I had a long walk with a friend today. Otherwise just relaxing and sorting things out before the chemotherapy starts tomorrow.

    I still feel quite anxious and despondent as today is the last day that I am not on chemo. From tomorrow onwards it will be chemo for life. I know I have to battle on and find my new normal. But it is hard to find light when the future is so bleak…

  • Good evening Stella, just a wee message to wish you good luck for tomorrow and a virtual hug for comfort. Don’t think of the future as bleak but challenging. I always find that helps me to get to grips with something out of my control. I will be thinking of you 

    love Alana and Lilly xx  

    Four leaf cloverFour leaf clover