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Lovely morning chit-chat thread November 2024

  • 197 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Hi Alana, Thank you for asking, my husband got a really good report after his colonoscopy! Everything seems to be working well, another appointment with the clinic in 6 months. And another scope in three years. Magic! The surgeon recommended B12 injection as he is very anaemic, so he will get that at the GP surgery! It is turning very cold here!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette ,well no problem getting on here today, but gave up a few weeks ago as was sick of changing my pass word, anyway ok today.

    So glad Vince has a good report from the colonoscopy. sound good to me, give him good wishes so happy for you both. I personlly hate the dome things.

    Ive been to Ibiza for a week and it was lovely, just what I needed, starting to feel more like the old me . I hope your well. Love Moi xxxx

  • Good morning all, have not been on for a while, problems getting on and have been on  holiday, to my family in Ibiza which was really good. 

    Hi Ellie I hope you have a good shopping trip and get all the treats you fancy. I don't believe for one minuet your lovely family would leave you on your own on christmas day with only a cheese and onion butty for company. Lol. I hope your coping ok, is there surgery due for your eyes. Take care lovely, sending hugs. xxx

    Hi to you young men, Lee and Eddie, Im sending good vibes for good scan results on the 4th and 6th and keep the dog walking up. Take care, xxx

    Hi Alarna how is Lilly doing giving you lots of cuddles. Now as for your jeans shouting salad not cake, my jeans are yell, hey fatso I give up get some new jeans, lol. Ive piled the pounds on lately. Good job I never thrown out all my big clothes. I need to seriously watching what I eat and more exercise. I hope your ok ,sending hugs. Moi xxx

  • It's good to see you back Moi!

    Thought you would have stayed longer in Ibiza.

    xxx Kate

  • Hi Anndavv

    My husband went for a colonoscopy this morning. I stayed home and looked after his dogs. He got the all clear too! He has been having regular check ups since having the start of bowel cancer 4 years ago. He's doing really well, and is 80 in a couple of weeks.

    Think the guy who carried out the procedure was quite impressed that Mike didn't have sedation, as he needed to be able to drive home.

    Hope you both have a little celebration this weekend

    xxx Kate

  • Hi moi,  nice e to see you pop up and thanks for our good luck I don't think I'm happy in my rockin chair and Ringo gets plenty exercise,  take and enjoy 


  • Hi Kate, did want to stay longer but direct flights have finished till April, we were on the last direct back to Liverpool. We are going for Christmas via Barcelona,  bit of a drag but hay ho. I hope your well Kate take care xx


  • Hi Kate so pleased for your husband results I don't like them. I've been discharged from the Bowel clinic back in February my 5 years was up thank god, but still have to have a colonoscopy every 2 years for my Linch syndrome. Mike is very brave not having sedation.  Take care. xx


  • Hope Everyone has had a pleasant day.

    Mine had been half and half, but hey  ho, sit down  now and all will be good.

    Glad you had a pleasant week away Moi, nice one.

    Glad a few people that ad procedures today, both had a good out come. thats  what, we like to hear.

    Yes shopping done, only problem i banded into, two people with my trolley,  made me fill bad.

    Though  made sure I put money in the poppy box

  • Such great news for you Kate. I am really happy for you and your loved ones. No sedation, he is a brave soul. Enjoy the rest of the evening 

    love Alana and Lilly xx